each have their own word we have,
What a mother, father has led.
Do the same like it
Or just neapnicis.
First name brought you glory,
If that is their wear
And therefore yours
We can sing a song.
And tuneful, light it,
And was built in honor and praise,
To live forever,
This top even more loved! Saturiņicīts>
calendar is very chatty
Knows how every word Cauca,
Today, very aptly Date
Then you have to be congratulated! Saturiņicīts>
This day more beautiful than the other
It is only once a year to weave!
Enough to force each morning
To thrive in today beautiful flowers! Saturiņicīts>
most favorite word is mīļvārdiem other test,
As sunflower is grown in a light around him.
The most favorite word is like a diamond ring finger,
What sown in the hearts of all around live spark of hope.
With words we are not lovers and sand particles,
But, let loose nestundu, beat the hate.
Lovers with words - as the candle flame itself,
This world is heated
God has given us is love.
Be the word of holiday cheer! Saturiņicīts>
My own name is a beautiful bear,
You bring her beautifully!
As a dish full of light
and a complete world. Saturiņicīts>
Again a fun day
Calendar of us to communicate
And to this day, that more,
Sin is not a wee drink! Saturiņicīts>
you radiate the quiet light
In the eyes of unseen blossoms,
What can go through paradise
What goes through the same hell.
/ A. Elksne /
Because of the name-day,
Everyone should drink a glass of one
But if you know how to tell the toast,
Operation may be repeated!
Congratulations to the word holiday! :)) Saturiņicīts>
Your name the first song Zuzu
From childhood has given up on the road,
From time immemorial, and for life,
It will be your pride
Nobility and honor. Saturiņicīts>
for your name day,
Happy to give you everything:
In order to bring flowers to friends
And the sun in the sky. Saturiņicīts>
God to forgive all sins,
The body of new forces
More money, more pleasure,
Large works more power! Saturiņicīts>
nepiedzeries Name-Day,
Better my words has opened its -
I wish you to live in cool,
Porsche in the garage for five
joy, health,
One uti coat.
If you forget me,
You have to bite your ass. Saturiņicīts>
word good day to celebrate
The next day can be mentioned
Why lying in grass green
Head hurts and pants open! Saturiņicīts>
Throw away yesterday worries
As a wine that sparkles
Yes, joy!
To add songs to flow
Friends from the lips
And till the morning
Sleep does not come! Saturiņicīts>
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