Three sentenced to death may opt-rope, ball or electric chair.
First: - Rope hate, afraid of the electric chair, it remains a sphere.
Second: - The rope scared, hideous ball, it remains the electric chair.
At the decisive moment of failure of the electric chair. Convicts released free. Aiziedams he has time to buzz the third, that the electric chair failed.
Third: - The rope means a slow death by electric chair breaks down, it remains a sphere. Saturiņicīts>
Shah should not play alone, but septiņpadsmitatā, so that is also free of internal conflict and struggle. Saturiņicīts>
Christian punishment for theft. He says:
- A judge, forgive me. I did not do that, but my sinful flesh.
The judge says:
- I will certainly forgive, but of sinful flesh and have a couple of years jāpasēž. . . Saturiņicīts>
During class hours by calling Jānītis head bandaged. Annoyed the teacher asks:
- Well, what happened this time?
- I fell from the fifth floor.
- And what, Whole Flew for two hours? Saturiņicīts>
- Give me a kilo of milk.
- We do not sell milk to kilograms.
- Then I would like, half a meter. Saturiņicīts>
old man asking a friend:
- What do you like more? Five thousand lats or five daughters?
- The five daughters.
- Why?
- Because I already have their eight. Saturiņicīts>
pits new provisions will apply.
First Jaizspilda will be a penalty kick for violations.
Second Opponents will be able to reject the rudeness
girl on the phone says to his servant:
- Meet at seven in the evening where ever. And if any of us miss. . .
The guy stops:
- Then I will wait! Saturiņicīts>
- Mom, what is paranoia?
- You do not realize that I do not know, ask to for me paņirgātos? Saturiņicīts>
- What is a psychiatrist?
- A man who, despite all his life ģībis, seeing the blood, the mother of joy become a doctor. Saturiņicīts>
meet two friends:
- Just got tired, I class!
- You what, stupid? You just married two weeks ago.
- Whether šķiršos. He treated me treated like a dog!
- How, as a dog? You now have a flat, car, caravan and money. Finally left you stupid?
- I tell you, he treats me like a dog. He requested. . . confidence. Saturiņicīts>
- Dear, I have you buying the carpet?
- It\'s too expensive! Will only fly on brooms! Saturiņicīts>
After obtaining environmentally friendly fuels our scientists have managed to create eternal engine.
Of the total of ordinary engine is distinguished by the fact that this lack of function buttons with the \"Stop\". Saturiņicīts>
young Russian doctor laments:
- Hey, doc, test Fisk - something I can not sleep at all, roll on the bed as unwise. . .
The doctor examined him:
- You know what, dude, you\'re practically healthy. A little stresiņš plagues you, try something in life replaced.
- No, Doc, you kind something flute! I have the two years I\'ve changed three houses, six mayor, five banks, three roofs, two wives and seven mistresses. . . What has changed? Saturiņicīts>
Boxer, who has problems with insomnia, consult a doctor.
Doctor recommends:
- Going to sleep quietly count: one, two, three. . . as long as aizmigsiet!
- It does not suit me, I get to 9, I usually spring in the legs. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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