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Page : 4
Towards the light flowers open,
Towards the light birds fly,
Towards the light also you
May hunger invite and call
There a friendly peace
Will come against you!
Are each made in his day,
Other in sheets,
Other in fresh grass,
But for everyone is a name given,
That shall be congratulated,
so it has honor!
Today you have the great honor,
To be with me in peace,
Grace is no longer in place,
We both fly in the light...
If you know that
next to you is a friend,
Then mood is always good,
It won't leave you alone,
Even together will celebrate
Name Day!
If I were a little birdie,
What hangs onto a small branch,
In Name day for your joy,
I would gift you a fat worm!
How many butterflies have colors and forms,
So much flowers have different smells,
So many of us have unique names.
Also you! Happy Name day!
Morning when naughty and nice, some guests will come today! Will bring you a stiff rose, and even kiss for free!
Everybody is having fun,
Between trees is the sun,
You can't run,
When you have other things to done!
May road go between the roses,
Nightingale sings a song,
Days control in one way,
So have a happy Name Day!
Wreathe together lives tissues,
With golden flowers,
As today for all lifetime,
Hand with hand walk together!
May wedding day throughout year,
Would you be my dear?
May joyful road always open,
Life with dreams never broken,
Relationships left unspoken,
Future and past never last.
Will love the smell bitter and sweet, and ever will be a sharp words jaapvalda. But the key to not run out of bread you to your table, order, smelled, or eating together, it still is sweet!
The white keep himself in the hearts of the day - today it is like a flower just scalded. To this day you through the ever-rays to the whole life of you as a bright and sunny morning!
Long life to live, wearing a ring of happiness to the mother not to wilt, protecting your happiness

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