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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

Reading room

Here is our little library for a lot of different resources

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List of many companies that have supported Eurika charity projects


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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 178
poor wealth - his health.
sick man hopes to become healthy, the poor - the rich.
Give preference to the lesser of evils is not to do
Learning - the same as a row against the tide, stop - will bring back.
Who talks a lot, it is rarely implemented in their own words. Wise
man always piesargājas to his words neapsteigtu his works.
better than excessive confidence over doubt.
When a good man preach false doctrine, it becomes true. When a bad man preaches the true doctrine, it becomes misleading.
have to do minor things to
take the time to make important.
netriecas angry fist against a smiling face.
He who does not know how to smile, not to engage in
The tower height can be measured by the length of the shadow thrown on a human size - the amount of envious person.
Hard poor was not upset.
aging angry, laughing - getting younger.
One day replace the tray, which is able to do all the time.
If freed from one vice - ten virtues of the place will grow.

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Page : 178
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