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Page : 164
stranger corpse asleep so long as it looks.
sasāpēsies head, then forget that sāpējušas feet.
best of toothache can get rid of sore tooth root showing the sun.
When the meal, the whole sloth is the work - sick.
between bellows - lucky passers-by.
basics of boiled brewage bitter.
cattle require the owner, his son - the father.
If the child\'s mother - her stepmother, then the real father becomes the stepfather.
around a lot, then turn the donkey\'s tail is not possible: one crying - too long, others - for short.
How neat woman, it can be seen by her husband.
camel does not see its own hump.
beggars said that the cat had eaten roast - did not believe,
Rich said that the cat had eaten a piece of iron - believed.
this distracts it in his mouth bountiful years, the famine years, you may go well.
is true, but there is no law.
A good horse will have more food, poor - more whiplash.

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