Woman - you\'re a fragile flower
love the dizzy swing
fragrant and warm dark waves
mirdzinājot golden crown on his head.
Woman - are among the most beautiful flowers -
Your Gift and flower cup honey
and even the angel who goes to drink it,
deep knee should fall,
pale forehead three times touching the dust,
Woman - you\'re the most beautiful flowers!
Woman - you\'re May evening
the bright stars through their fingers BARST,
who grovel river, forest and hearts
new, hungry, crazy -
grovel, weary brilliance and light.
Woman - you\'re a smooth snake
tend to be the most beloved scrolling
violet blue pudurīšos,
closely hiding divstaklaino tongue.
Only occasionally look within your pazib
sharp, Salta, green-blue eyes,
Salta Tris nodrebinot heart.
Woman, you - foreign and blāzmains birds,
in the hot, soft feather chest
izperina multicolored hearts
legends, varvīksnas and dreams - dreams. . . Saturiņicīts>
My Fate
Is it either insane or mind -
I remain unknown
but my fate is:
to do what he was doing,
to give me something to give -
forever like the
so I asiņotu. . .
When I go upon the people,
Taisu peaceful face,
sometimes even laughing -
think - I earned any harm
But it
with one\'s own eyes for a moment
my soul is naked, exposed,
see it\'s like a ghost, a terrible, terrible,
covers the face and hands. . . Saturiņicīts>
That God is what every bear in the chest,
is stronger and more angry,
as the message.
And it is difficult - it is in his trial will begin. Saturiņicīts>
At the river
Evening of old copper mite
darkness aprūsēj\'s will be soon.
Waves - mēnesstaka sparkles
vīdamās to paradise.
Friend, if laivnieks light awaits us -
land this evening will give
then as pēd\'jo penny. And the
aizlīgosim paradise! Saturiņicīts>
stars and the earth
Stars and the earth, the stars and the earth -
Suffering - exultation, sorrow and joy.
Stars and the earth, the stars and the earth -
I am a prisoner and valdinieks. Saturiņicīts>
Flower Forest
Something to pain and pleasure,
enjoy the day makes,
as a patchwork of flowers outside the window
every evening get in!
Then all eyes would be lost soon
my house and become a stranger;
so tell dūcot bumblebees,
where the ever-blooming flowers forest. Saturiņicīts>
With two wings blāzmainiem
white swan sky slits,
and their wings blāzmainie
brought to light without end.
Are not we two wings,
which ascend
wants the clear infinity
The same God of love?! Saturiņicīts>
White roses, red roses -
which the soul like you?
which, when I bloom Shoots long,
smaržojiet sweet temptation?
Son of the Earth soul st
Love Cup
When you love a cup to his lips put,
then look at how star placed in him.
Then paraugies if your heart is in the flower,
the dew is full of broken? Infinitely beautiful
or flashing red Guntiņas there? Oh, you know:
the drops of blood thine! Only
and the radiance of stars love doing sacred.
Where to bleed the heart, the lack of light eternal -
throw away the cup of love - small and cheap. Saturiņicīts>
As blue stars at night are falling,
so my days are falling.
And my life - star mirgojums
between evening and tomorrow.
As a blue star in the night falls,
I chalk it well.
Dej love, pain, joy
and green sparks. . . Saturiņicīts>
starry night
Tonight the night drags the old mother.
At a dark blue large burden on the shoulder.
Fringed along the seams it caught
tremble stars in the sky expanded.
Good evening, māmulīt! God help!
or you can not pick the flowers before they
one\'s heart, which long ago as the flower thrives
but can not flourish, here she be cold. . .
Evening in the forest
Late forest bird
Good night singing even branch.
Pale fog torch in hand
Forest\'s mother passes.
\'E, you green twig, either quite
performed in soul! \"
Death song, and immediately
dziest the green spark.
Late forest bird
quietly, fondly bent down branch.
Shining star horses aizjāj
forest mother\'s sons passing. Saturiņicīts>
Into the sky glazed eyes
darkness begins to sing softly,
and a path through Druvu
The first pale dreams come.
Glows blue ceriņugunis
all along the fences, all the houses,
and a clear, broad sky
reads the sun \'ave a\' never-ending.
As the whole tale, as entangled. . .
And care had to be ill,
see: burn ceriņugunīs
all living a lie, and gray. Saturiņicīts>
Pulls the sun shining string
from the cross to the lindens branch
and the wind is soft with a bow
Spring pulled the song.
So his gentle, so blue,
A flourishing violet.
Birch līgodamies listening, and low
adversity iebrūnā tip.
Birch loving what they are saying. And long
rustles Liepins dizzy.
But the two black crosses
beneath them begins to cry quietly. Saturiņicīts>
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