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Page : 154
Receive my greetings. . . Get my greetings to you Catkin that pigeons face: Joint lifetime to do it to the rose bush is growing. Pain and work to further unite the soul to you and says, Happiness forces you to find the course to the circuit to go!
heart, I own. . .
I made my heart
you gave all
and received in return only a void.

Oh, what year is already surrounded by the wave of the void deck.
May a smile which never nepārslīd over.
I\'m terribly lamājies and fought,
Your emptiness gūlusies lava over my head
That veldzinošs patch.
Linden dark. Pages of silent winds
Strange feelings of fatigue down the hall,
And once again today Could not
Come here, as was agreed.

Why bet with a smile and say quietly,
That you may come when the sun set,
If you know that the other party
You have the will at the same time go?

Time as you thought it and felt
I mokos, waiting for you in one,
While the night wind over the land, be sent
Disappears in the dark road of white milk.

How do I know, maybe it\'s also good
That there sitting sad and lonely, -
My friends now - traffic poles,
Night and silence, marvelous calm.

Linden dark. Pages of silent winds
Strange feelings of fatigue down the hall,
And once again today Could not
Come here, as was agreed.
skirts up roads
I raised my eyes to the
But his
sat opposite
So Cold
Tram and brass railings
twenty degrees on the island.
Tonight I will dream
for all that higher than the towers.

Square on the bench -
on the bench, where the streetcar rumbling past,
or feel the smell of the meadows
wonderfully soft power and the rain?
Securely holds the birches in the sky blue
stands as a white nightgown.
Jasmini smells.
Cows sighs barn.
Small sheds in the salary
there could sink into the wall,
skūpstošā wall.

Tonight I will dream
such a dream
and forget that I need money,
the soles leaky
and tomorrow
find a job.
Maybe it was once the heart I remain alone,
Street tinnitus slowly rims
When the life of my hands folded
Eyelids and under eye dark makeup.

Gutter like still water will flow,
Will be under the feet of asphalt, hard and slimy,
So I burned a coffin light the candles,
Overstock will become cool ice cream.

Linden thrives just have all the streets
Car will be called and calling trams go,
So of life, glorious and great,
I will be for life differed.

And never, never smiling softly,
Coming to her back,
When the cobbles, a new sun waiting
In all the streets of snow striking.

Full of stars, indifferent space
To light the examining i one
Where all the pain go away the breath,
Where there is no longer knows how to smell of hay.
Away from people gļēviskām long
Go to the meadows at the flowers and bent
Bubbles listen VIZBUĻI
Oh, now do not require life out of you,
Do you think the rich and soul.
Not being able to walk once daily routes,
Will be out of all the vagabond tarnish.

Insanity is as deep as the thirst for a friend.
Much greater when the Rus in your soul,
Nonīkst to friends as puppies kusliem,
Nonīkst the forgotten and overgrown ravine.

At the dry river Daugava, where boards
Rows of shining yellow and fragrant as honey
And where under the moss and sawdust čauganām
Even in the late summer of sleeping in the ice

Where the high bank is no longer the foam has disappeared, overgrown with rare grass
How old man with a chin beard,
Where through the day leaving the sand
Fences from rags and tin, -

I live grandfather.

He gets up, just at dawn,
And, a window opened to the river,
Captures the loving fog laden air
And the lips cradling pīpīti the nipple.

He spends views down Barka
They caress the sweet Payá,
And smiles quietly when passing a window
As the sugar-white gulls shines.

But long bubina the harbor tug
Pass through the bridges in the wrong raft
Ability and often captures the excitement
From his old English abdominal belt.

Then go to the dark pantry seeks
Cat trap from a mouse
Then, sipping coffee from clay pots,
Where nogleznoti boy and a cow with a small heifer.

When the sun can have a look at the chimney
Mills and break say a loud whistle,
Go to the grandfather to rest till noon,
Where he was waiting for grūdenis with fresh pork.
Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it:
Only you, I am loved.
In a strange juice your lips you dip,
That they are glowing red with such a breath?

Where boulevards are smoking, you will be met once
And no I do not know peace for a moment.
On the corner, where a beggar asking for money themselves crooked,
My catfish soon long as horses.

Is it day or night, to wander the streets alone,
Pull leaves from trees and hope
That one of them will be your kiss or your hair,
But - I empty the drains BERU.

Then I watched the same way on all screens, maybe
Your eyes will see there is shining,
But I hope the birds only the brain is lost,
I feel moments of eternity as chalk.

Where are you, my friend?. . . Does it glow, which melts
I am the lone cloud on his face?. . .
Or from you to me as long as this, which breaks
My hot and excited to poetry?

Watery mist window. What to deny there is not worth it:
Only you, I am loved.
I guess my blood you dip your lips,
That they burn with less red breath?
Dreams, and you will not be small:
The whole world is within you liesies as kvass.

Dream of the hardest steel, yellow
And people all over the raises.

Dream yourself tops start
Himself on the root and gold cover.

Among the moss on the roof of brown bears green
flows of the first swallows vidžu vidžiem loud.
But the shepherd boys in the yard at the final servant
standing, hands in pockets, and the clouds part.

And almost two long finger čibukēni
severe case heard by the sun: the slow work!
And the sun startled - it is the fear of them,
and makes the flow of their miracles.
Dun blue mountains in the air, the golden sea bear.
Fall meadow pureņkroņi, mākoņvīru thrown.
Even the sick grandmother window izliekusies
and wonder, listening, as from a dream iztrūkusies,
and long saplaukušās linden watch
to break up the blue sky with eyes wide. . .

But Runcuks footbridge - like anything not to see -
the pods on the side of Lenina maigļu backyard.
- The corners tallish - low roof there - nothing, nothing. . . -

One moment - and all the wind from the boy whips.
By Pļaviņu he aizdiep gray small
but the hall saplaukst pink cat quotes.
Dream Magician

Sunny hands
came a magician,
cut off laughing
doors of heaven.

Where to watch - no
human face:
the streets now
such dreams walk. . .

Coming towards Jade
the padebestiņas,
sparkle flies, which
view lights.

Moon sat alley
on a wooden bench
and sad after the
bola eyes.

Homes, farms
and tree branches
gleaming floors
swayed swarms.

Doors and windows
no sign the hard -
dreams all night
going in and out.

Around each bed
standing whole family
and all hands
star full of happiness.

So God alone in heaven -
learn Lightning strike
and the wise, and dreams
the sky back to false. . .
My Song

Who I sing your song?
I sing it and bent grass,
and paceplīšam on a branch.
And wind. Blue and tales.

And fuming lagzdu bush
Yellow mote.
And moss green teddy bear.
AUSEKLITIS and dying.

And the wonder of the White Castle
the stars and all the fires.
And madness, the wing was called.
And heart with light dzisa.

How deep do you, the sky;
how deep you joy!
The deepest sea
against you - such a piece of cake!

How close to you, the sky,
sometimes I come!
I apreibst head, I get embarrassed mind.

Then I feel that the land
ties begin rist:
the clear in your whirlpool
I will fall.

And sink. And disappear - so there is nothing else!
As stars - the lilies
in the lake. . .

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