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Poems for your greeting cards


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To you happiness, To thee glad to school you a tenner
Smile at the joy, sorrow to respond, go Happy face, foul the door shut!
Each river and find a stream, each girl their own taste. Each day its passage, every woman own virtue. Each rule of a law, but others only a trifle. / I.Zaļuma /
Not always the whole year to go, not always as everything fades with age. Every day brings a moment of happiness, And every moment becomes richer life.
Dzeltenzila breath - forgiveness, the chest is lit krabītis and roasting, but beneath the crust, sharp crust of snow, with breath Lapsina shoots the road terminates.
It would be good? But is it? As it is, and what I go to make! But? Although not decisive smile is good if you can ever smile!
Life colorful bright as the weather clew, which is wrapped everything: dark mornings and the evening shadows, fast race, walking slowly and deeply painful moments of joy, sometimes to grasp moments of happiness. Attīšu ball, ritināšu, a rainbow over the life of the classroom. (B Žurovska)
Eggs paint both, That what we do well, one green and one blue, third - the best.
[ Poems ]
If you're doing bad in life, grief into the Heart, Remember me for a moment, smiles and everything will be fine.
[ Poems ]
If you ever remains difficult, then to hell with sorrow send. With friends and drink vodka, I guess everything will be fine again!
[ Poems ]
My lips all smiles, my eyes all shining, But I love you, you belong to my heart.
[ Poems ]
Take me gently, gently pull yourself close and hug me often and please do not leave. Hugs your dreams How I feel Do not let me go past them.
Sounds in the ears of a single word I want you to say about love, for understanding, for compassion for all. But not too quiet or too loud, not too long nor too short. Then get and say, Thank you very much, that you make me.
If it would not come evening, the night was called up, then this would be a new day, when everything starts anew.
[ Poems ]
Life by those colorful notes sonorous We're going. By clear octave up and down hills. It is a tune that we sing, Who has given? And it is a song that remains, remains behind you.
[ Poems ]

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