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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 150
Not so beautiful, the beautiful, but that iemīlēsi.
love feeling of separation disappears and the human soul reaches complete your goal, lifting the veil over your \"I\" borders and pieskardamās infinity threshold.
Lover own sacrifice yourself to get yourself to love. Indeed, love brings together and inseparably connects the gift and collection.
all Love and Seek at all, but be able to abstain from everything.
Love for love, because it is the only law of life. It is a selfless love, selfless action, and all other secret.
The greater a man, the deeper his love.
Knowing each other is not all know each other, but love to trust each other.
Man lives only with love. So he opens his eyes and give strength to fight. . .
not bothering. It never neatdziest if there is only spiritual. Fireplace ashes can be covered as a star - never.
When a person is not at home, but the kitchen at the other, he is afraid and does not want to bother anyone be owed. If you want me to love you, then this estimate is useless. The greatest foolishness is allowed to forget you. . . What allows it, it is really overlooked.
Happy he who lives, not by wavering. But that happiness is a fool.
his own fortune - perhaps because of happiness instead of always appearing waster.
Grind the Wheel of Fortune.
chance of failure for its basis - other debris.
Happiness is gratifying. Happiness is when it is filled dream. Unfortunately, happiness will never last for ever. Happiness tired of serving just one person.

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