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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Nothing approximates how people smile. And with a smile begins a true love.
If you want the life you smile, it must first bring your good mood.
smiles change with seriousness, as lavsānu are woven with wool. Then neburzīsies human relationships.
Gold and smile can turn young age.
I think that smile is all facial beauty: the smile on his face makes neat, it is nice to have a smile on your face does not change, then it is put up, if you make a smile unattractive face, then be careful.
that falls in love, shine!
Who loves it bloom.
first love does not often repeated.
Love is not in your hands. It comes and it is within you. And you can not otherwise.
The only way to understand the true meaning of love and the causes are - be prepared to pay the right price.
Our prosperity depends on whether or not we give love. It is not essential that we receive, it is essential that we give.
In order to establish any relationship, you need the following a driving force: put in your love.
Everyone can be great. . . because everybody can serve. To serve, do not require a college education. You are not forced to accept service of the words themselves. Need only a heart full of grace. Soul led by love.
The best way to show people love and respect, is to rely on the fact that they make every effort to achieve our common goals.
A day after the space, wind, tidal, tidal gravity and absorption of the name of God we begin to use the energy of love. And that day we are the second time in history we opened fire.

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