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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Those who have to hope for, but to lose is the most dangerous people in the world.
Become the world\'s old and new are born again, one I Hopes neaprimst.
They say that hope is foolish consolation, but if so, is not worth trying to be clever.
Love has two daughters, honor and patience.
If you ever love, Keep your secrets well, nenododiet it until you are satisfied you have put your heart.
Love makes a woman smarter, while a man loses his head.
Love never looks at the birth certificate, nobody does not love a woman because she is so or so years that she is beautiful or ugly, stupid or clever: a woman loves because of love.
Love is our strength and honor, while still living, even while we are on this earth. With love we will stay for eternity.
Love, fortunately, is born and dies within us. It is our only private property.
Every love has its own generosity proof. As in the ring.
It is our tragedy that we can put the dear soul, but can not get it back.
love someone - which means to give the club to get the shots.
love beautiful language is not the mute, but I feel into words.
Something is always repeated. Just love to talk with each other voice.
Gone is the man who does not believe in love, miracles.

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