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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Flash cards

Eurika animated e-cards, create your own e-card and help charity

Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Not because we go to visit the home not to eat.
Sargāsimies sariebt people who would eventually become our direct bosses
We were there with the freedom that we give to each other. Gives freedom, and people will cling to you! But usually already doing all the way around.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Not as much as you concerns within yourself, but how you care about your neighbor, is the key to understanding.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
a smile is cheaper electricity and gives more light.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
world has only one real luxury, and it is people\'s attitudes between splendor.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
dzīvotmākas develop skills to meet people with a completely unbearable.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
The best that can be done to another human being, is not to share your riches but to reveal their own.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Relations is the highest value in this world, and relations with people that you love, be a major priority.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Who we live, if not for the purpose of one another, making the world less complicated.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Maybe some specific end the relationship, but relationship can never end. Being mean to stand in relations.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
We are all angels with one wing. We are able to fly only embracing each other.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Virtue is the science of human relations and obligations arising from this relationship.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
ability to tolerate other shortcomings is the highest sign of nobility.
[ Quotes about relationship ]
Dog looking for a dog, a cat looking for a cat, a hare - hare, the lion - a lion, a human need rather than a man at all, but a similar fate a man.
[ Quotes about relationship ]

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