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Page : 132
It\'s like you do not know I\'m here,
Can you see me?
do not you notice,
Sometime you\'re out of control,
Just look around,
in every direction,
There is a person Who was hurt by you.
Theyâ wont ADMIT IT,
but it\'s right on Their Face,
I want to be around you,
but sometime it\'s hard,
I\'m not invisible,
Actually I\'m very real,
Just look into my eyes,
And you\'ll see the pain and the cries.
When I Told you not too,
You said it was the best thing,
Yeah for you,

Once he spoke he last words
he made my tear,
worth nothing like i was nothing,
Why is it That the bestest memories
Usually Become nightmares .... why
You only left.
Even without Saying sorry
I cry and cry ...
know and i realized ...
you left me with tear inside my soul. .
Is it just a Rumor & That I have the humor
or is it my dream is done for you and Another begun. .
That was in what I had done. .
Show me again just this our moment, our first kiss ...
And all for memories sake I hope now. . Shall I not awake. .
Darkened are the clouds, as is my sun. .
nothing left to shine,, ended is the joy of mine
but my love for you a new one has begun ....
If only I knew what it was That I\'d HAD done ...
He is the epitome of courage,
Molded through hard work. .
Years of perseverance, patience & diligence made him great!

Steel seemed as he may,
But, beneath That hard exterior lies a man of Compassion. .
The Man of Honor
That\'s what my Father is!
I was inside Confused
Not knowing what I wanted out of life
I was wrong in the choice I made
Wish I Could take back the hurtful things said

I Should Have listened to me
Not the stupid people talking
I Should Have Known myself
Before opening the door and walking

I now I miss you more I thought THEN
And I know we\'re still close friends
But in a way, That hurts Even more
Because When I see you all I want to do is kiss you

I tried pleading to get you back
But all you said was from
You Told Me You Need More Time
But how long will drag on That?

I realized I hurt you
Probably you want and Other Girls
But please do not forget the one
Who still want your heart to be hers

Though I know I messed up too bad
And I have a feel to accept That
I Still Wish You Could call me \'baby\'
And talk to me Until four in the morning

I let out my pain, though it is not fair
I brought this upon myself
And now my Tears still show how much I care
Though we will never be the Same

Because of me.
laughter is the best medicine.
Learn to walk before you run.
Learning is a treasure That will follow ITS owner
Let bygones be bygones.
not Let The Sun Go Down On Your Wrath.
Let the chips fall WHERE theyâ may.
Liars need good memories.
Make a silk purse out of a SOW\'s ear.
I Propose, God disposa.

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