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Page : 131
We loved Each Other Today

I\'m the only one who is thinking about Yesterday
And you\'re looking forward to tomorrow

Yesterday we said hi Both
Today we said goodbye
Tomorrow I want to say hello again

Yesterday we laughed and kissed
Today I cried and missed
Tomorrow I\'ll sit and think

Yesterday I was hot
Today I\'ve been cooled
Tomorrow will REVEAL the ashes of us.
There is no time, No time to spare,
These are the moments, In Which we share,

There is no time, Forget the past,
For nothing is forever, This will not last,

There is no time, The end is near,
Love Each moment, Live not in fear ...
Everything is rapped up in the darkness,
I keep searching left, right, for more, or less?
I\'m Trapped in an empty hole,
I tried to get back what you stole.
You\'ve Stolen and broken my heart heavy,
Ever since THEN, I\'ve been falling apart.
The Birds of longer sing Aloud,
The Sun never come out from behind the clouds.
The sky is always gray and cold,
I\'m stuck with this Burden that i hold.
I can not keep thinking about it all,
There is the one to catch me when I fall.
My Heart Play a Different Sound
When it thinks of you it goes u
I\'m sitting here in a place of peace and beauty,
But on my mind it\'s only you.
Being Held In Your Arms, the touch of your hands;
The feel of your kiss, there never HAS BEEN a better feeling.

God, am I dreaming?
I wanna feel you, I wanna feel your arms around me,
I want to feel you while our breath mingles, Oh I wanna feel you.

Am I just crazy? Is this all in my head?

I know I CAN SEEM a bit crazy sometime, so. .
Would you wanna feel me?
Feel my arms around you, Feel the touch of my hand,
Feel me while my breath mingles with yours;

Would you wanna feel my heart race as we embrace,
See the excitements in my eyes When I see your face?

Am I dreaming?
I do not know.

I do know This is the peace and beauty I want to feel,
Here in Your Arms.
The moment I saw your face ...
I felt a spark within That did blaze. .
the moment you saw my face. .
you wondered if I was the one ...
who would love to share. .
the best thing in the world. .
we knew we were meant to be ...
That did happen and ...
Those days were something else ...
we knew nothing else. .
That but we were in love ...
but THEN came a Sorrowful separation ....
That did create a barrier Between us. .
But we still loved ...
That is something never ending ...
I am,
Trapped I\'ll be.
The pain I feel,
You\'ll never see.
From wall to wall, ceiling to floor,
Book online from the windows, there are the doors.
I scream, I cry
I fall, I die.
I hurt no more I open my eyes
Someone, something, HAD Heard my cries.
Then the world goes dark and I feel my pain,
I will not be Trapped! Of not again!
Once more I fall into my nightmare,
Trapped I am now, and will stay there forever.
When I\'m with you it\'s like my life\'s on the freeze
But When I\'m with him it\'s like my Whole Life\'s complete
Seems like I got it out Figured
But When I see him I start to have a my Doubt

Why is it so hard?
Why do I have to Choose?
I do not want to pick
Because I\'m afraid the loose

But When I see him
In Remind Me of You
But When I look at you
I do not know what to do?
Oh, Lord knows I\'m Confused
But I\'m afraid I\'ll be used.
What is true love?
Seems that not many know
Does it compare to a beautiful dove?
Do not you feel aglow?

When I\'m With You,
I feel so secure,
Or like a Lucky Horseshoe.
I\'m Assured
That you\'ll pursue
And yet ...

I\'ve been hurt,
So many times before.
All the Effort,
Is locked away in a drawer.
But I do not mean to blurt:
That like an Archer
My heart from anger
Their comfort ...

I\'m what theyâ call a dreamer.
I wish on stars I Were not a failure,
While you\'re a charmer
So popular and nicer

People Murmuri
Because Were together.
Since I\'m a looser,
I cant sleep my heart is shattered,
I\'m going to replace everything That mattered,
There\'s the one in this life of trust,
My heart is cold metal bound to rust,
Everyday is getting old,
Other problems what life will unfold?
Take a deep breath of air, fill my Lung with THC,
For a couple hours my stress is free,
I ponders how to Improve the Situation,
10 Step forward without hesitation,
Everything makes sense, the timing was right,
A Step from the past is a tough fight,
Not one tear im Proud to say,
My life is just a Different Shades of Gray.
She is pure perfection
I want to see us together in the reflection
It\'s more than a Physical attraction
She drives me to Distraction
I just want to be with her
I have given her my heart
I never want us to be apart
I\'ve loved her right from the start.
If My Heart Were a guitar, I\'d want you to play it.
If My Heart Were a song, I\'d want you to sing it.
If My Heart Were a blank canvas, I\'d want you to paint it.
And alas, if my heart Were merely a heart, I\'d want you to have a particularly.
When I look up and down the streets,
In this world I dare not speak,
to see the people looking down,
I wonder why theyâ always frowns,
Just one day I hope I see,
That people are as happy as me.
When the night was young I was there
When everybody saw me for Who I was, I was there
When you looked over from a far I was there
When the night began to end and the sun began to rise I was there
When slowed down time I was there
When you took aside your day I was there
When life was happy I was there
When it began to rain I was there
When the last time I saw you, you Were there.
Women Can Be Wonderful and fill your life with joy.
Women Can Be teaser and treat you like a toy.
Women Can Be callous and break your loving heart.
And Women Can Be Dangerous and tear your life apart.
But! .... . Matter of how you take Them,
As a lover,
a friend,
or foe,
We Men Can not Live Without Them,
And that\'s all we need to know!

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