If I were a little birdie, What hangs on a tree branch, the word of the day you pleasure, or present a high-fat worms!
If the word dieniņas not you, then how can you know the word yourself? But since it is happiness to you and brings much pleasure and I wish you sunshine.
Health joy bridge to dawn You name day morning! Nenoliekt and head of the farmers, to thoughts remain only pleasures!
Word of the day great fun Get some animal as a gift to the heart of life And so everything else is nothing!
Each has its own word And the word is given in honor of the day displayed. We, my family we wish you many happy. But behind the pink rose vase, add the full cup.
As early as the sun begins to walk everyday, And the birds in the sky to draw the world is coming. Today, such a lovely summer greets the world, in the nicest word is built in the cradle
Easy to celebrate the name day, second day of hard to guess why an awful headache and I am under the table!
Sen. šito I look forward to the day, When the great big smile, say a single step I greet you in the name day.
Once a year, the Day What the vārdenīti called, greets friends and relatives in Switzerland, Praise you say beautiful!
I greet you in the name day. Only neslīcinies milk so that I can take you to welcome and happy to say.
Eyes wide early in the morning, Anxiety seize my heart. I called aloud - out with the devil ..... Name of the calendar!
For your Name Day gives you all the joy, To friends serving flowers and the sun in the sky
School of beautiful high school there where knowledge has a lot of us there is joy and the school we have only one So let's say all the school we want ieti.
Go to school we love, every morning to meet friends. Like the bell as we sing, inviting us to go to class. Hours of the bill and read what one does not know, ask for it. But we want to be wise, therefore need to be hardworking.
When I walked out of school, I am reminded of a thought, What can I do, When your bag comment? Work is needed to get the money, to buy bread
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