\'m not promising this morning, but the kisses.
Nice to have you this day.
Mummy dear, as good as you.
There is no world, no time. Saturiņicīts>
you my dear, dear mother,
I love you and no one,
You\'re my expensive
The sun and white day.
You always Labin
And pity me every time:
At sunset, go dieniņa,
But you\'re the one warm luster.
Come thus coming to you,
Do I have sorrows or joys,
You belong to each Domino,
Is that important or some trivia.
You my dear, dear mother,
Most of all I love you-
I am white living trackway:
You have given me your heart. Saturiņicīts>
roots of hazel flower,
Red flowers.
From heart I loved-
His father māmuliņ
Smith, your kuplumiņu,
By the same zemites!
Mother, your labumiņu,
By mūžiņa tip
His great žēlabiņu,
Mother to the fairy tale,
It does not say no. Saturiņicīts>
I want my mother, to tell you thank you
caring for silver around my life
the tears that you glow on the cheek,
which may often notice them in a hurry.
Iveta on the hearth, which are warm,
the fact that we were around him along the handle
the grief that is silently folded
and a bright smile the day around the wind. Saturiņicīts>
What do you wish for today,
Once the road is so long Travelling?
Thank you for all that you gave to us,
The fact that has always been present,
We loved you, not sparing himself,
Thanks for everything, everything, Mom!
What I dedicate to my mother?
Today, a holiday present.
The sun draw the base gold
rushed her to give
hazel flower,
Red flowers.
From heart I loved-
His father māmuliņ! Saturiņicīts>
You are like the sea, beach and warm,
Through all the soul you benefit.
You are a pool and a bridge,
And the day dawn, and proximity. Saturiņicīts>
today to wish you,
Once the road is so long Travelling?
Thank you for everything you gave us,
That were always present,
We loved you, sparing himself,
Thank you for everything, everything, Mom! Saturiņicīts>
Beautiful, beautiful māmulīte
She always carries a good
The sun in the sky
Its shining star! Saturiņicīts>
great skill to make and forgiven,
So much skill to be humane,
So much skill to be together with people
And yet, inside yourself to keep. Saturiņicīts>
Welcoming the mother, we welcome the sun,
Life, love, flourish, work and happiness
you, Mother, I am the sun
You rye Druvu song to me.
In all the longing in all of your dreams
You gave to the world. Saturiņicīts>
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