In life there is always space feats, but do not always have time for them to do. Saturiņicīts>
selfish person - a man who takes care of itself, instead of having to take care of me. Saturiņicīts>
If the toilet light switches off the sound of \"AAA\", then there is one. Saturiņicīts>
drink cola and chocolate piekož present, then the chocolate calories are neutralized with a diet Coke. Saturiņicīts>
The people around you will be the thickness as you look thinner. Saturiņicīts>
Foods eaten tasting the prepared dishes, not calories. Saturiņicīts>
If a woman is cold as a fish, a man must be patient as the angler. Saturiņicīts>
When asked what he loves more-Blondes or brunettes, a real man answers: - Yes!
Let us raise a glass for real men! Saturiņicīts>
They say: do not be surprised if the class, but one can wonder if ever he constantly wears.
I wish you to live so that people wonder! Saturiņicīts>
this web prosperity! To break tables of wealth, but the bed - of love
Let us raise a glass for every woman to own the four beasts: a lion bed, Jaguar in the garage-, silver-on the shoulders and even the donkey, who pays for it all!
children are living toys.
Let us raise a glass on the jewelry that we are coming here to enjoy the beautiful female ladies
girl - Please stand with me to the sea at sunset, do not leave me there alone. Please wake up beside me in bed I do not want to wake up each dawn. Please kiss me spend New Year\'s Eve New Year together Please cry for me last stundiņā. Because it will be forever separated Please always with me and never for me, Defend me, despise. Please never from me and nenovērsies neaizej. A solitary pārtapšu. Please get wet with me until the last file. Because it is love. Please you, mīlēsimies to warm up. Just want you beside yourself. Please have me and you have my support. Or they would feel insecure. Please, please, please. . . Hear these words. . . Saturiņicīts>
sense - you left the country irrespective me, you said, just love me, and ever will love. Our loved ones have to be the end, which was no longer razor blade. I struggled acted, did everything. But the ice queen that was not enough. What more can a poor servant of the ability to do so? Tver rose to the spikes, hand spikes guidance. During thunderstorms, the sun and the blue sky cage. I was ready to bring you anywhere, without fear of wind, is it really meant nothing? If you say no, it seems once again lying. Known for ladies like duels and battles. This time, two of mindless rushed to war, hatred toward one another, their fate in your power to each say that the winner is, to Mount Everest is now carrying. This, your power away is either a moment, I caught thy lies, evil sins, I realized that life is to save your strength. Princess or peasant, does not matter. The key is sincerity, love, love me one, undivided in half. Unselfish, it will hear it coming. Saturiņicīts>
All laws are an exception, Exception exception of the law. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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