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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Man, who is going to marry for the fourth time, never assumed the engineer.
[ Humor ]
When a family has only one wife - she grows out of egotists.
[ Humor ]
easier to find a needle in a haystack as a vibrating cell phone girls purse.
[ Humor ]
Women - such funny pets, feeding on the money.
[ Humor ]
Attopieties, brothers and sisters, attopieties! You do not have brothers and sisters!
[ Humor ]
- What is the difference between an airplane and a toilet?
- Sciatic plane to fly, but fly to the toilet to sit.
[ Humor ]
For every woman can say the same thing: having the character could have been more beautiful!
[ Humor ]
- What\'s your IQ?
- Do not really know, but I have enough life.
[ Humor ]
Science News:
The following year the whole family will celebrate the noble scientist German physicist Fahrenheit 311 year anniversary - or, which is absolutely the same as the C 155-year anniversary.
[ Humor ]
- Older, Eating eggs?
- Yes! Definitely!
- After Eating, pasauciet me too!
[ Humor ]
Tell me your e-mail address and I will tell you who you are.
[ Humor ]
. . . to find out whether a person is telling the truth, it is sufficient to look at his fingers. If they are strongly compressed in a vice, it is likely that he does not lie.
[ Humor ]
If your neighbor suddenly has bought a gun, it means that the high time to end the practice of trumpet playing.
[ Humor ]
each apple in the middle snauž core.
[ Humor ]
We drank at least more than half.
[ Humor ]

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