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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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Mental Attack - sailors riding a zebra, holding the hands of traffic police wands. . .
[ Humor ]
- What is the third generation of technology?
- Machinery, which money was collected two previous generations.
[ Humor ]
- What do I need to save the white girl of five black attackers?
- A basketball ball.
[ Humor ]
- They say that the desert sand is so hot that they can fry eggs. So camels are so long legs. . .
[ Humor ]
wonder why th
[ Humor ]
To find out where the forest is south, it is necessary to look at the trees. If you have palm trees, the south is already present.
[ Humor ]
- Is it true that fish is healthy brain?
- Yes, especially fish angling - the development of imagination.
[ Humor ]
If you work has begun to provide pleasure, it\'s time to leave.
[ Humor ]
If you say that you have a cozy apartment, then most of it thinking that it\'s a small, narrow and Loaded with furniture.
[ Humor ]
fed up with the girl?
The new \"Stimorol\" with garlic
[ Humor ]
I opened the trade and invented money, the woman discovered money, and since That time and started all the problems.
[ Humor ]
man aboard tillage and thought of food, the woman discovered and invented a food diet.
[ Humor ]
man discovered and invented color painting, the woman discovered painting and invented products.
[ Humor ]
Learn, learn and learn again - because of the work you will not find this or that.
[ Humor ]
pessimist - a person who mentions the crossword with a pencil, but an optimist - with a pen.
[ Humor ]

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