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Page : 120
elephant asks a camel:
- Why do you have tits on your back?
- Strange question from one member who is on the face. . .
[ Ana ]
- What is the name of sheep with no legs?
- Cloud.
[ Ana ]
Bļitkotājs holes pulled from the moose and surprised-of-bounds:
- Yo, what are you here?
- Right, what do I here. . . - And jumps back to a water hole.
[ Ana ]
- Daddy, why we are so angry gorilla looked?
- Calm down, son! It was just a cashier.
[ Ana ]
Cockroach lyin
[ Ana ]
Two cows cattle in a slaughterhouse. One asks:
-You here for the first time?
- No, you know the second. . .
[ Ana ]
Elephant apbirst with flour and gozējas front of the mirror: beautiful or what I pelmenītis
[ Ana ]
Go through the forest mushroom picker, but towards the eater:
- Who do you like that?
- The Tourist
- No, I\'m a tourist, it\'s you - the tourist breakfast. . .
[ Ana ]
-cat wishes a Merry Christmas?
-Fluffy murrrīgu Christmas and New Year!
[ Ana ]
rabbit in the woods. .
- Hi, owl!
- I am owl, I masturbate. .
- Why are you so big eyes?!
- I am a cat. .
[ Ana ]
Parrot watching, ready to fulfill the mistress of turkey. Watching the turkey is washed, cleaned, and be prepared filling. At the beginning of filling, the parrot is no longer valid:
- Hey, housekeeper, either as a corpse may scoff?
[ Ana ]
- Animal Meeting. Coming to a wolf, said:
- I have two good news!
Beast in the middle noticeable alacrity. Wolf asks:
- One good news is, The Other bad to start with?
Decide swears it s to start with the best.
- The Forest HAS brought a large Quantity of condoms!
Animals feel the joys of Approaching the story so bad.
- Brought a Whole container, but hare are unloaded with a fork. .
[ Ana ]
Vista danced for five kilograms of eggs. Clashes bevy of reporters and asked hen:
- How you managed to do this?
- The secret.
- What are you future plans?
- Lay seven kilograms of eggs!
Reporters asked rooster:
- How you managed to do this?
- The secret!
- What are you future plans?
- Sadot via ostrich beak!
[ Ana ]
bunny and bear joined the army. Hare asks teddy-bear:
- Is there hair on the zeros dzīs?
- Paprasīsim the mouse!
- I am not a mouse, I\'m a hedgehog!
[ Ana ]
Jantarpins to another:
- I think it\'s time to go to the eye doctor. Imagine, today, I confessed love butts
[ Ana ]

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Page : 120
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