Lido bat. Fly, fly. Suddenly, bah! against the wall. - Well, you know, with this stuff either player once did I kill you. Saturiņicīts>
Vista requires rooster:
- Tell me if you\'re a man or not?
- Man. Do not have doubts?
- Well, how can I say, eggs so to me. Saturiņicīts>
March. On the opposite roofs seated cat and cat. The cat is called:
- I\'m ready for you because our lives!
Cat, sly:
- How many times ...??? Saturiņicīts>
talking two zoologists:
- I heard that Australia had crossed kangaroo and koala!
- Really?! And how?
- Well, no. . . died after poor oath as asleep during the jump. Saturiņicīts>
Mouse returns to the cave - all scratched, torn ear:
- And who still do not believe that black cats bring misfortune? Saturiņicīts>
- What is the greatest evil That Can come upon a bat while he is sleeping?
- Diarrhea. Saturiņicīts>
Bear arrives at lāčutēva:
- Dad, show a puppet theater!
- Be either a tranquil, late already, go to bed.
- Well debts, please!
Lāčutēvs agrees, gets up, goes on further underground nest, find two human skulls, put on each of his paws and begins:
- (The first skull) Hey, Janka, there really is not bear?
- (Second) Da liecies peace, what you have here bears. . . Saturiņicīts>
cow climbing a tree. Crow sits there and asks:
- Cow, what do you climb a tree?
- I eat apples!
- This is not the apple tree, but the pine!
- I po. . . I carry an apple
hare, wolf and giraffe. After a while the wolf parliament the prison boss That Could not sleep. It asks what\'s the matter. Wolf says: hare day telling jokes, but the Giraffe night Laughs. Saturiņicīts>
Vista rooster:
-You are the man eh?
- Namely, that I am! You doubt?
Vista dziļddomīgi states:
- Eggs in it is to me. . . Saturiņicīts>
antenna on the roof two crows sitting and watching as high in the air aiztraucas jet. One of the crow:
- Yes, it either and speed. . .
- Is it? If you\'re stuck in the bottom of the glass, so you not only palidotu. . . Saturiņicīts>
Rabbit loop trail through the forest, runs off terrified Ant. Rabbit:
- Where do you run?
- As for running, wild meadow ziloņmāte raped, now catch all suspicious. Saturiņicīts>
Frog tells her friend:
- Yesterday, I walked across the swamp, I was raped, will go again tomorrow. Saturiņicīts>
three bats sleeping in a tree branch with his head down! Suddenly, one staying upright. The second calls for:
- What happened then?
The third says:
- Nothing, fainting. Saturiņicīts>
mammoth walk down the street. Suddenly pieskrien bars elephant, mammoth kick a horn, and ran nolamājas.
Mammoth: scams. Skinheads. . . Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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