Blonde exceed the speed limit. He was suspended policeman - also blonde.
- Please state the right!
- What are those?
- Well, a document which shows your face.
Blonde gives police officers the mirror.
Policewoman looks and asks:
- Why neteicāt immediately that you are a police officer? Saturiņicīts>
Two police officers entering the path in the tree.
One says:
-Uh, for the first time we came so quickly on the scene! Saturiņicīts>
armed robbers break into the Bank:
- All lie on the floor!
All employees of the bank lies down. Senior secretary treasurer whispers:
- Hey, politely holding a pose - this is a robbery not hangout with our boss. . . Saturiņicīts>
drunk man comes out of the bar and the machine begins to palpate the surrounding roofs. Passer call to order:
- Hey, so you will not find your car. On the roof there is no number, no car brand.
- Shut up! There were flashing lights. Saturiņicīts>
- Iepūtiet snorkel!
Car owner:
- I can not, because sick with asthma.
- Well, it will take a blood test.
- Also not allowed. I have a blood clotting.
- At least go over the line you can?
- No, I have been drinking. Saturiņicīts>
Two police officers found the man dead at a gymnasium. As required:
- Hey, you know how to write the word \"gymnasium\"?
- No.
- Well, then we bring him to the post office
bank employee - feet wide, hands behind his head and with his face against the wall. Saturiņicīts>
- Hello, meteorologists? Hello! I wanted to say that firefighters are now pumped out of my basement to your \"slightly cloudy\". Saturiņicīts>
boss call to the employee:
- I told you that smoking during working hours!
A staff shake off cigarette ash:
- Does not anyone work? Saturiņicīts>
Bankers\' favorite song - \"Your house, my bosom!\"
Road police officer stops a car and begins to examine the documents.
- Open the trunk! Well, well, it. . . What\'s that?
- It? It is a corpse!
- The most I can see that corpse! But where the first aid kit? Saturiņicīts>
- Do you drink during the call?
- Never. If only I descend to the rostering already drunk. Saturiņicīts>
Why do women like men in uniform? The uniform is not there nothing to do - it is the realization that they have a job. Saturiņicīts>
- Do you like warm vodka?
- No.
- And the sweaty ladies?
- Of course not!
- Very good, will go on vacation in the winter! Saturiņicīts>
company staff meeting on the eve of the 10th anniversary:
- The 5-year anniversary, we sametāmies boss and took to the Himalayas. . . What dāvināsim this year?
- Maybe this year sametamies and brought them back? Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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