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dispute about who is in love.
- Love is a disease from which a person enters the bed.
- What now for the disease, if no one wants to be treated? No,
Love is work.
- What about the way it works when the main body of standing? No, love is
- What now is the process where both sides are satisfied? No,
Love is an art.
- What now for the art, if it can be anybody? No, love is
- What now for the science, if a student can, but I will not?
[ Jokes ]
- You know some new joke?
- No.
- What do the internet cut off?
[ Jokes ]
Anglers sits at the edge of the pond:
-Imagine dreamed last night that the next meeting itself Pamela Anderson. And close to any living soul!
-What happened?
I caught three-pound fish. . .
-Well, well beyond what was it?
-Oh, she finally neķērās.
[ Jokes ]
- Let\'s go fishing!
- Surely I\'m not. . .
- What is there to know how to grow. Pour and drink
[ Jokes ]
- How many lawyer jokes are there?
- Only three. . . All other events are true.
[ Jokes ]
There are only two problems associated with the lawyer satire:
First Lawyers do not consider that they are funny!
The second The other does not believe that they are jokes!
[ Jokes ]
lawyer dies and arrives at the gates of paradise. In front of thousands of people already waiting in line to see St. Peter\'s just. To his surprise, a lawyer sees the Sun. Peter leaves his seat at the gate and comes miss the big waiting queue directly to a lawyer, and his cordial greetings. Sun. Peter takes a lawyer at hand and leads to your desk and comfortable chair apsēdina.
-Thank you for the attention given to me, but what makes me so special?
Saint Peter says:
-I counted all the hours that you are instructed to bill customers, and by my calculation you\'re 193 years old.
[ Jokes ]
clashes blind rabbit and blind snake.
The snake will feel rabbit and says:
-You\'re soft and fluffy and you have atkārušās ears. You certainly are a bunny rabbit.
Rabbit will feel a snake and says:
-You\'re a slimy, small eyes and crawl. You definitely have a lawyer.
[ Jokes ]
- How can you know that a lawyer is lying?
- His lips are moving.
[ Jokes ]
mother with her little daughter visiting grandma\'s grave. Walking through the cemetery, the little girl asked:
-Mother, or have disposed of two people in one grave?
-Of course not, dear, - the responsibility of a mother - but why are you asking it?
-On the headstone was written \"Here resting a lawyer and an honest man ...\"
[ Jokes ]
Bill Gates and Štirlics watched as fascists burning books.
- Censorship - sadly thinks Štirlics.
- Fight the pirates - Bill happy.
[ Jokes ]
father - a doctor warned her son:
- If you ever mīlējoties with a girl, you notice that her eyes shining feverishly, his lips are moist and sensitive, but her body trembling aspen as a page, flee immediately! It has malaria!
[ Jokes ]
Two police patrol car. One wonders:
- You can check that turning the creator is working on your side?
A second look at the window and says:
- Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no. . .
[ Jokes ]
- Ah, back to work tomorrow - get up early. .
- Yes, I understand you. .
- Do not understand though!
- Understand though!
- You do not even work!
- Well today was still
[ Jokes ]
-or ambulance?
-Yes. . .
Here, a police officer with the fire fighting, can not figure out who to call!
[ Jokes ]

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