flight to New York - London is going to have to take off, but suddenly returned. It takes more than an hour, but finally when the plane takes off and goes to London. One of the stewardess asked passengers:
- What was the reason for the delay?
- A pilot neiepatikās sound, which appeared to take off the left engine. It took almost an hour to find another pilot. Saturiņicīts>
teacher hears that the next office and noisy students, respectively, interfere in the management of an hour. He runs from his office, bringing in the next office, wet behind the ear itself loudest kliedzēju and shall be run to your room.
Poor rioter protests:
- As you may? It is a violation of human rights!
After a while the students from entering the cabinet next to the Cabinet:
- Please, please, return to our teachers! Saturiņicīts>
- The accused, please tell me why you nozagāt car?
- I am very much in a hurry to work. . .
- Why do you nebraucāt by bus?
- I have not yet passed the appropriate class driver\'s license. . . Saturiņicīts>
inscription on the tomb of the physician:
\"Here, lying in Dr. Isak Zilbermans (1906 - 1997)\"
With smaller letters below:
\"If you need a good dentist, then my son Abraham shall be taken each day from 8 to 17 in my former office of Liberty Street, 53rd \" Saturiņicīts>
- URAA! I got 50 lats for their latest story!
- Of what?
- From the postal company, which it lost. Saturiņicīts>
Two guys with KAMAZ arrives at the intersection. Co-manager says:
- Look at whether the right one do not go!
- Do not zapiņš us is an obstacle? Saturiņicīts>
Critic director:
- Yesterday was the premiere of your show, I could not sleep all night. . .
- Are you surprised by the performance?
- No, but! Izgulējos theater. Saturiņicīts>
plane trying to land a great storm. Driver sweaty corner of the navigator keeps track gauges. . .
- Co-driver, is the land?
- Land not yet seen!
After a minute:
- Co-driver, is the land?
- Land not yet!
After ten seconds:
- Co-driver, is the land?
- Full mouth! Saturiņicīts>
dying old stockbroker. To his bed turned out the doctors\' council, the judge:
- Now the temperature is 38.9. When will rise to 41, will die.
Old broker pieraušas sitting and says:
- The forty-half sell
- Bar! I have a glass of something flying!
- When will drown, call the rescue! Saturiņicīts>
At the table sits a man and a woman. A moment later the man says:
- In case you\'re not a teacher?
- Yes, I am, but as you guessed it?
- You stupid facial expression
- But you are also stupid facial expression!
- That\'s because I\'m a teacher. Saturiņicīts>
- waiters, you me atnesāt chicken with only one leg!
- What are you, wanted to invite him to dance? Saturiņicīts>
Two police officers found the man dead Terminal 1. Gymnasium. One policeman asks:
-You know how to spell the word \"gymnasium\"?
-Well, then we bring him to the post office. Saturiņicīts>
tired of police standing in the road. Nostop car and says, \'Please show money!\'
Plūmīte anatomy lesson the teacher asks:
- Children, give me a human organ, which can rise and fall of ten.
Children sačukstas. Nobody raises their hands. They will not hear such as \"hi-hi\" and \"ha-ha.\"
The teacher became angry:
- For your reference, ten-fold increase and decrease can only pupil of the eye, but your \"hi-hi, ha-ha\" - a maximum of two and a half times. Saturiņicīts>
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