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- I heard that you have become rich! How you managed to do this?
- I was taking a boat with tourists on a lonely island. Excursion price was five lats.
- So a little?
- But back to five hundred. . .
[ Jokes ]
hunter asks:
- Tell one of your hunting adventures!
- Either way, sitting in hiding, crawling to me lazy. Lien day or two, crawling three days. . . It also neatlīda up an ambush!
- Well, would depart from ambush and shot!
- Will come from ambush? No, dude - you\'re not a hunter,
[ Jokes ]
go to the police station and reported person on duty:
- Today I stole a noble necklace.
- Ma\'am, how it looked?
- How real. . .
[ Jokes ]
old vampire training to the new vampire crafts:
- You see a girl? Thrown into her on the neck, iekodies, suc!
Vampīrēns followed the instructions - uzklupiens, bite, begins to suck blood. SUC, suc, but suddenly the old vampire vampire under the new hand on the shoulder and says:
- Son, suck enough!
- But why neizsūkt all the blood?
- How are you not ashamed, we\'re vampires, not lawyers!
[ Jokes ]
plane. Height of 10 thousand. Driver:
- Co-driver and the wind?
Helmsman Ventilation windows open cab, poked his head, then crawl back:
- Pilot, headwind!
[ Jokes ]
- Well you did kliedzat by nervozējat! A mere three reizītes just shook. The usual bump. Who does not happen. Well, everything, everything, calm down. It\'s all right? OK, now go calm the passengers.
[ Jokes ]
Boss enter the premises:
- I told you that smoking during working hours!
One of the employees, shaking off cigarette ash:
- Does not anyone work?
[ Jokes ]
high-rise fire in the house. Along the house with tarpaulins stretched firefighters running around.
- Warning! We start the auction! Young man 7th floor! 150 lats. Who more?
[ Jokes ]
Director bids farewell to an employee who goes to another job:
- I am very sorry that you leave. I had gotten used to you. You were like my own son - as irresponsible, lazy and disorganized.
[ Jokes ]
- Why we do not have any clients?
- Maybe will replace the signboard?
- What we have now?
- \"Closed\".
[ Jokes ]
Investigator asks:
- You know the knife?
[ Jokes ]
meet two old friends who do not see each other for twenty years.
- Hi, where those years. . . How\'s it going?
- Normal. How are you?
- For fifteen years, propelling machinery from Germany, the family, three children, a boy Vento and two daughters - Korolla and Santana.
[ Jokes ]
- I in the Arctic Ocean with a single shot to kill a whale.
- But I south pole with his bare hands nožņaudzu polar bear.
- But have you ever heard of Dead Sea?
- How well is not!
- I know him. . .
[ Jokes ]
Not very smart brand manager says to his subordinate:
- Make a paper, this should be submitted by fax. Just Make a copy!
- For a duplicate?
- You think with your head, you will send a fax, the other will remain to us. . .
[ Jokes ]
talking to two future engineers:
- Know how to keep the hammer to miss your own through your fingers?
- How?
- With both hands. . .
[ Jokes ]

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