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son\'s father:
- Dad, or we will come to the real Santa Claus?
- The real Santa Claus, Son, go to Jurmala, the Chinese will come to us. . .
[ Humor ]
wife\'s mother-in-law asks:
- Did you see the man who saved me when I slicks?
- Yes, he had already arrived to apologize.
[ Humor ]
- Is the child\'s appearance can be a cause of conflict within the family?
- Yes you can, especially if the child appears late and noticeably intoxicated.
[ Humor ]
Friday husband says to his wife:
- Hey, to each other Make a great weekend!
- Of course dear!
- Well then, goodbye until Monday!
[ Humor ]
night. Man, lost in the woods bļauj:
- Help, help!
Wife comes out of the house:
- Mutt, crawling out of our garden and removes sunglasses
[ Humor ]
director of the company summoned Head shots:
- I need a chief accountant!
- What are your requirements?
- For him to sleep!
[ Jokes ]
The Board meets two men.
- Lord, excruciating boredom! Do not you want to play cards?
- We have a lot of fun, but unfortunately, the cards are not played for fifteen years.
- It\'s not crazy, I last played twenty years ago. The hosts, move the card kit!
Stewart brings cards. The first takes the cards in your hand and says:
- It is not a single card!
The second will take the same cards and provides that:
- Yes, the Group of Eight summit
[ Jokes ]
old man asks the bartender:
- What are the ingredients of the cocktail?
- Sugar, milk and rum.
- And what flavor?
- Excellent! Sugar is a strength, milk - power!
- But the rum?
- Rum is an idea where to put the power and energy.
[ Jokes ]
standing on the street two policemen sad. Passer-by asking:
- What happened?
- Our dog - pathfinder disappeared.
- So what? Both have the same dog will find the way to the station.
- The dog was already, but we?. . .
[ Jokes ]
- I wanted to suggest that people are not afraid of the police. But we, the police, the people are at work and the fear of the police who are at work.
[ Jokes ]
girl comes to apply to the firm as a secretary. Company director, says:
- I want to tell you that we most highly appreciate the initiative of employees. . .
The girl interrupted him:
- Great! Where are we going tonight?
[ Jokes ]
Revenue comes from an old chief accountant. He pieskrien young girl and asks:
- You transferred the balance sheet?
- Fees. . .
- Questions were asked?
- Yes. . .
- Please give write off
[ Jokes ]
shop owner says its vendors:
- Tomorrow will come to practice with us students.
Arriving students sellers took all my heart to train rookies. At the end of practice painteresējas vendors:
- And what are you now teaches \"vendor\"?
- We nemācamies for sellers, but of Revenue officials.
[ Jokes ]
new pastor asking elders:
- How do you like my sermon?
- Great! Stunning! You might say that we, as long as you were not our church, a sin to not know anything!
[ Jokes ]
- What does your drummer beats the drum so strange?
- He is a former radio operator
[ Jokes ]

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