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bristly boar. Opposite the owl flies. . .
- Owl, where Winnie?
- Nēēēzinu ...
- Meet, say, the pig came from the army.
[ Ana ]
Chaka took place in calendar: Čanvāris, Čebruāris CART, Caprile, Čaijs, Čunijs, Čūlijs, Čugusts, Čeptembris, Čoktobris, Čovembris, Čecembris.
[ Humor ]
After Bush\'s visit to Romania in talks to two Gypsies:
- Did you see what Bush watches?
- No, show
[ Humor ]
Pigglet talking to Winnie the Pooh:
- Vinnie, Vinnie, what do we do?
- Well, now we dibināsim a / s \"Medutiņš\"!
- Oh, we medutiņu tirgosim?
- No, we medutiņu we buy, but will sell pork.
[ Ana ]
Winnie the Pooh and Piglet finds a gun lost in the woods. Both examines amended, Piglet lūr barrel, but Pooh accidentally pressed the trigger. You hear a bang. Piglet was lying down and twitching in agony. Pooh, angrily:
- You laugh a pig here, but I was left almost deaf!
[ Ana ]
- Mom, I am kontroldarbs!
- Son, do not worry - soon all repeat. The capital of Germany?
- Berlin.
- The French capital?
- Berlin. Mom, asking for something more complex.
- The capital of Poland?
- Berlin.
- What you make me wise, Adolf
[ Ana ]
Rževskis first go to the opera. Sitting next to them and asks:
- Why is it there, dress coat, all the while nodding lady with a stake?
- He dwelleth, he conducts.
- Then why is she always crying?
[ Ana ]
Gena Cheburashka sends the apples. Cheburashka comes with one apple.
Gena Cheburashka puzzled asks:
- There were more apple?
- Was, was. . . further eight beautiful and big!
- What are you, fool, and does not take them?
- You know, Gena, did not notice
[ Ana ]
Race Two Estonians elevator.
As already Jokes fitting, elevator stops.
It takes an hour, two. . .
One Estonian side suddenly says:
- While we\'re going to slow?
[ Ana ]
Basskiāres plane is shot down.
The village children ran to zenītartilērista and asks:
- Uncle, Urmo, you notriecāt airplane?
- I!
- It was our plane!
- I, I!
[ Ana ]
Two young Russians sitting in a Jacuzzi:
- How you have bodyguards?
- 11, but you?
- I am also the 11th Maybe football will play?
[ Ana ]
arrives Service:
- Change car oil filters, brake pads and girls in the cabin. . .
[ Humor ]
new Russians ask:
- Why do you hold office aquarium?
- You know, it is so nice to see someone who opens his mouth, not in order to ask for money. . .
[ Humor ]
meet two young Russians. One asks the other:
- Vasya, where you get yourself a suit?
- Paris.
- It\'s far from the Seaside?
- Well, approximately, two thousand kilometers.
- Think only! These fields, but so well sewn!
[ Humor ]
- Mom, I do not want to Sweden.
- Shut up and aire
[ Humor ]

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