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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 110
The best medicine for the mutual hatred - to go to each of your party.

/ African proverb /
What a piece of bread neiedos dog, wolf, it would give a whole sheep.

/ Armenian proverb /
The wealthy become poor do not go to borrow.

/ Darginiešu proverb /
toothless room I like.

/ Georgian Proverb /
While failure to follow you all your life-long, and never, nenoķertu
It is better to spend money as if there was no tomorrow than to spend the night as if it would have no money!
May God give you many years to live. He should know that the Earth is too little angels, and that the sky is crowded.
- you have high blood pressure
- This is me from last copes.
- But the fishing but calm.
- I agree, but I usually makšķerēju prohibited places.
[ Ana ]
At parapsihologa: - I see you in a previous life have been male. . . The patient - I also had this, but what\'s the point. . .
[ Ana ]
- What are you working on?
- I morgue corpses washed.
- At least well paid?
- Seven dead bodies washed away, my eighth.
[ Ana ]
mother and daughter conversation:
- Mom, I just make an abortion.
- What?!
- March, April, joked. January\'d grandma
[ Ana ]
Winnie says Little Pigs:
- I know what will happen to you when grown.
Little Pigs:
- You read my horoscope. ?
- No, the cookbook.
[ Ana ]
Pigglet store and asks:
- You are bearskin hats?
- It is.
Pigglet pulls machine gun:
- Ratatatatat! This will tell you about Winnie the Pooh
[ Ana ]
When Chuck Norris was the guy with the crying scene, he uses an alternate.
[ Humor ]
Semira Gerkāns believes that the \"Stop\" sign is nothing more than a recommendation.
[ Humor ]

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Page : 110
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