I have a painful, painful flair,
that the world that I live
can be much faster than your be demolished.
It does not have - like or dislike,
but you do not stay sad and lonely -
Honey will keep space remained.
The fact that you all were,
Life has been acquitted, and complete piesauļots,
and in front of it I bow respectfully.
And I calmly look at the death,
Our proximity is closer to the proximity of the
and it denies a divorce anyway.
*** Saturiņicīts>
The true feelings of a black suspect can not get along. / Pierre Abelārs /
Love is one of suffering that can not be hidden; sufficient for a single word, a careless glance, to be frank. / Pierre Abelārs /
If one omitted, then proceed with their circumstances, he is not ruled by circumstances, but they rule over him.
/ Ojars Apple /
Artist\'s size is the size of all of the human species.
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Paintings and poetry is like a bridge between the mind and feelings.
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What can be seen as smart? It is trying to be achieved only after the target.
/ Al Isfabānī Adulfaradžs /
Any policy has always been and will be self-hatred sower.
/ James Adams /
Nature knows no law: the only known laws.
/ James Adams /
Morality is a sensitive and expensive pleasure.
/ James Adams /
Russian woman often is spoken by over doing and always do what they want.
/ James Adams /
old man\'s brain is like an old horse: to maintain the ability to continuously jāvingrinās.
/ Henry Adams Bruks /
friend who come to power, has lost a friend.
/ Henry Adams Bruks /
If you have one friend - and that is much, two friends - a lot, but three friends - it is almost impossible.
/ Henry Adams Bruks /
How long is the road to wisdom in so short a life span.
/ Eric Adamsons /
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