Well you can bite your finger,
Years old, not as off
Jump up, jump down,
You killed your face wrinkles. Saturiņicīts>
to fly past the drain
And present as a ray of shining gold,
But in the future to bring all
In all that you heart desires. Saturiņicīts>
Being in fact safe,
Being beautiful as a rose,
Being such, can not be transferred,
Being such a pieburt knows. Saturiņicīts>
whom life is a burden you have?
We each bear their burden -
It will be easier for the true,
If you complain and sūrojies,
Go whistling through the life path
And will become a burden is light, you say.
More smiles, more happiness,
Less sigh and hate.
Everything you do, so you are doing
And to faint hands
You have come here
To transform the world,
In order to raise the stars
And rainbow bridges built.
You have come here
To be at this time
To be in this place
These small tiny little devils
What the hell is singing so pleased
To wake you at night
And of fondly greets me!!! Saturiņicīts>
I do not know
who you are God\'s miracle
garden, or a white eglantine sharp or
sirdslauze pink and cooked.
Maybe you or flowering cherry
saplaucis lilac bush, but
maybe that softwood rhubarb
sētmalē seated bleak?
Oh, or do not care how others
is watching you and call! To main-
Your garden is a love and a lot of sun! Saturiņicīts>
For those years not say no,
only dreams endure the present.
You can order the same day
snow pārcilāt moments. Saturiņicīts>
Have always warm feet
And at home waiting for homes.
Stars to shine in the eyes,
Left leg without hazard. . Saturiņicīts>
Again a fun day
Calendar of us states
And to this day, that more,
Sin is not a wee drink! Saturiņicīts>
you live with gray hair,
Ride a crocheted strollers
Looking for a life path,
Where the strains grow boletus. Saturiņicīts>
to disperse the clouds, the sun placed,
To hope for trees affected by the sky,
For all the good, noble and beautiful
You can still enjoy life! Saturiņicīts>
To The Living Daylights
Neapdziest and thoughts,
To burn
All shadows can.
Life would go to the sun,
And always noturies
On her green branch
miracle live and survive,
Swing over cross members to heal,
To be able to breath the detainee
As a new world to see! Saturiņicīts>
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