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Page : 69
Your Day Today,
All over glow.
Today one of you,
Congratulations from the heart
your spring flowering so
This winter\'s day
Your youth, as a bud,
before the flower is mature.
Your dreams of bees
arriving at the same most colorful flowers.
The whole world today
You are a member of.

/ M. Dukas /
currents of life is a lot of color,
Days in the way of life without end,
We need to know where yours is called,
Where is your dream and heavenly edge.
Difficulty rapids of life much
Its forces are divided,
You do not belong to Grey Island
But it is always a way you tale
In return horizons is called a miracle!
One will rile your soul,
A second shallow and dirty say.
A third will come thirst quenching,
Clarity in your eyes wash.
Others will say: \"What stumbling block!\"
What vesmaina fire burning
What cold sildīsies you,
And life will not be sorry.
You live for those who come
Fire and water purified,
For those who need you,
Few, but true.
(V. Urtāne)
birthday to tenderness
Absorbed in each cell.
Lift you so high
How can endure.
All the boys mind is confusing,
One as to his name,
You will be able to restrain him,
But I can congratulate me.
Dzimeniiti easy svineet
Other dienaa gruuti mineet
kaapeec SAAP head
And I am under the table!
happiness you believe that you have friends,
To life in the garden you long flowers.
For years you have lived is not sorry
But next to the brightly lit rieti
number of their nights by the stars
but not in the shadows.
Number of your life by smiles,
but not by tears.
And a happy birthday every day
Including your age by friends,
but not after years.
joy as the sun pat
Every morning a new quest.
Fortunately daily story
Always be able to defend!
joy and happiness to draw buckets.
Large bags of money dedicated to
To maintain health,
All sorrow poach.
Oh, how good nesastingt, but to live,
Life in the deep deep deep dive!
Allow hair skills winds flutter,
Allow the heart of the stars fall.
(A Pormale)
Your star is your own
And tune-up the future flower.
Raise your hands to Love,
And taps you blessed.
Raise your hands towards the sun,
And you\'re all powerful taps.
Your star is the star of hope
Black forest tree tops,
Which will bring light bird
Song of eternity.
(John Anmanis)
I wish you to love what is worthy of love,
Forget what is worth remembering.
Rush to gain a respite at the moment
Build a wall between yourself and worry!
to you, to you these flowers go,
To you in the flowering of thought -
Heart of the sun in you to not set!
Pending at the request of my thoughts.
You wish shining sky,
You have green mountains and valleys -
To your eyes that wish it!
As part of the eternal poetry.

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