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Poems / Freedom

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Freedom - it is not inactivity, but the opportunity to restrain the free disposal of your time and choose their occupation, in short,

to be free - not to dive into inaction, but independently

to decide what to do and what not to do. What a great benefit to have the freedom of

[ Freedom ]
only possible freedom is freedom in relation to the death.

A truly free man is he who, acting as a death,

at the same time they also accept the consequences, it is the traditional way of life value revaluation.

[ Freedom ]
Free is the one who can not lie.

[ Freedom ]
He who is not himself free, and others are not free.

[ Freedom ]
free person is not envious, but happy to recognize the great and superior, and is pleased that there is one.

[ Freedom ]
Nothing is freer of human thought.

[ Freedom ]
Where there is a lack of freedom, human action is not subject to moral criteria and does not constitute approval or dislike the item.

[ Freedom ]
Roman military commanders always had full freedom of action.

[ Freedom ]
love of liberty - jail accidentally flower, but prison is said to have felt the value of freedom.

[ Freedom ]
nation to win the fight for freedom, rarely making anything other than the young gentleman.

[ Freedom ]
pursuit of a comprehensive safety not only increase the chance of freedom, but it becomes a serious


[ Freedom ]
We must learn to be brave, because we have no fear to admit that freedom comes at a price, and each being able to bring freedom for the material chosen.

[ Freedom ]
It is permissible to sacrifice the freedom of the future of greater freedom. However, this process should not make permanent.

[ Freedom ]
Where there has been deprived of their freedom, it\'s always been what people promised new freedom.

[ Freedom ]
People who are willing to sacrifice freedom to get

confidence in their tomorrow, always demand his liberty for those who do not show such readiness.

[ Freedom ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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