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Poems / Freedom

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collaboration with sick to be free.

[ Freedom ]
man can be free, to actually being in prison.

[ Freedom ]
The more responsible you are, the freer you become.

[ Freedom ]
your power, your wealth, your prestige - they are all your cages. Your soul wants to be free, but freedom is dangerous. Freedom is not against what is not covered by insurance. Freedom there is no vulnerability, no security.

[ Freedom ]
If the stream can not be more flowing,

Then, standing on the marsh becomes

And the water covered white roses

It even under the warm sun gozēm

Slowly dries

And blow.

[ Freedom ]
I am absolutely convinced that freedom is not to lose other than their weaknesses.

[ Freedom ]
individual freedoms and interdependence are equally essential for life in society.

[ Freedom ]
I believe that the freedom of every human soul\'s deepest need.

[ Freedom ]
must bear, comes death itself.

[ Freedom ]
freedom to be very difficult, but to keep him and develop no less difficult. Perhaps even more difficult.

[ Freedom ]
learned to die, no do not know how to be a slave.

[ Freedom ]
you will not have any love holier than fathers to hold the land of love and no joy sweeter than the pleasure of freedom.

[ Freedom ]
If you can do whatever you want, and if you do only what suits you - then you have real freedom.

[ Freedom ]
Everybody\'s obligation to protect and defend the freedom of the high level of holiness. Each lesson is accompanied by a nebrīvībā is out of his life arbitrarily torn apart.

[ Freedom ]
First Freedom, the nation state - and only myself.

[ Freedom ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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