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Poems / Fear

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As soon as one begins to realize that it is lucky, he immediately begins to intrude upon the fear that he might lose his fortune - and it makes him unhappy.

[ Fear ]
Fear makes fools wise, strong - weak.

[ Fear ]
Paradoxically, the people are the only creatures on earth that are forced to overcome the fear of death, to live normally.

[ Fear ]
fear of suffering is worse than their own suffering. Yet no one has fallen victim to heart when it gone to find his dream came true. Because every second counts in this quest is seeing a moment with God and eternity.

[ Fear ]
We are all afraid of something: rabbit afraid of everything, afraid to be brave for the chicken.

[ Fear ]
is not possible to live happily, if all the time jitter of


[ Fear ]
Fear - a condition which makes the cowardly human soul

similar to that physical illness weakens the body.

[ Fear ]
We can not not love it, from the bīstamies, not what the

we fear.

[ Fear ]
If a man afraid of nothing, either the devils they are

infested by, or is he just stupid.

[ Fear ]
poach it, which ever is inspired


[ Fear ]
Of all ignoble feelings of fear is the basest.

[ Fear ]
If at all you can not stop the fear, the fear of the fear of harmful effects, maybe it will help!

[ Fear ]
The fact of the fear, now does not exist anywhere else than in your imagination. Whether it will happen in the future or not, your fear is in each case, time, energy and a real waste of bodily strength.

[ Fear ]
If we decide to defeat fear, first of all we certainly know from what we fear.

[ Fear ]
No one can live a natural, healthy, sunny, others blessed and harmonious life for myself, as long as it lives in an atmosphere of fear.

[ Fear ]

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