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Poems / Lessons and quotes

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But this, here is the heart of man: for as she has just what she wants piepildāmies, then she wants piepildāmies, then she would also like to believe, and do not know how well the reason for the faith talk in return. . .
from the heart full, it goes over the mouth.
. . . s good man purse poor memory.
joyous heart, the generous hand.
When people inside the church it is husked, and peeping out, the devil hell fire would no longer have to be heated.
. . . prosperous life death is something fishy.
. . . secret love Regiment sweeter for discover.
Love is the marriage of salt. Good to marriage, which it does not lack, but can also do without it.
Love may purchase only by love. Other shop and everything is a crime.
a loveless marriage can be happy than those without morals, without harmony, without gentleness.
heart are often no valdāma of the mind, let alone with each other advice.
Love dismantle a sin cause.
Love wants to talk to.
Shame is the twin brother of innocence.
. . . Jealousy is the shadow of love.

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