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Poems / Lessons and quotes

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twice better than once a comfortable Vilos people miss.
neatsaldē people from faster and more fully human as obstinately cast-off goodwill.
True happiness is modesty.
. . . the human soul is not a glass, which can pour dirtier water, rinse and again from drinking wine.
People are becoming a little bit of something that sticks to the surrounding area. Least subtle for either he does not.
human destiny is beyond happiness to look for happiness.
. . . power without wisdom is blind. But wisdom is a beggar without force.
Without the words \'fight, try to\' remain empty sounds. Just work sleep and fight anywhere else.
. . . empty of human kindness has no more value than the moon during the day.
warm heart and a tool works are more valuable than external appearance.
better to hear about wealth and greed than the profligacy and debt.
. . . grace of bread baked with flour wormwood.
Each fight has its own kilt.
Glory to us by opening their hearts and closed. How low a person and not standing, he still had his fame. Also, she looked at her fellow human beings and make a judgment about their value.
languages ​​of the world are just listening to the wind up running: the languages ​​of the world are listening, it is not far away.
biggest landlord can fleece the hostess before noon on a bed roll.

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