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Poems / Atvadvārdi

Page : 6
apples dropping,
went to his father
gardens planted in this life ...
Paspīd nokrizdams apple
the dark foliage -
Unusual silence
where the voices of lived ...
Is there still will be able to blossom into an apple,
or even aizmesties will be able to fruit,
when the silence in the garden too much?
Do I have to say bad spring?
All spring flowers
mother\'s eyes.
mother lived
the drug burden of lavish -
from each pot
a drop of our milk,
from each pot
a light blob.
And man no more.
It is only the former.
suddenly lost all color:
Carnation redness, lightning yolk
Celestial bruised, your eyes greenness.
brutal flame neapdzisīs,
Will burn and burn and night light,
And there is no forgetting,
Which is able to carry you.
big silence
Hold your breath man.
Liège flakes fly silently
Black earth present.
Milos are bringing your heart
Lull in the snow.
Sura blob eye keeps growing
Glides across the cheek, -
You are no longer at home nepārnāksi
Tonight, not tomorrow.
reach the needle-covered trail
Snow snow and more snow.
You beneath the white snow
Deep jāaizmieg.
Sorry, the benefit of the late thank you,
When I have the same dress down the wind,
Long to go, to finally realize
Who and how many actually owe.
Flowers once falling down - and it no longer.
Just the smell remained strong
Our Garden of Memories.
Yes, dear mother,
not only the songs you taught me
the job done - did you say from time to time:
go the way of righteousness
and tolerated by the strenuousness of the road.
And had many times,
when it was quietly said thank you ... Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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