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Poems / Atvadvārdi

Page : 9
And no longer there,
as was. It wound neplēsīs.
But sweet yarn ...
It nemirksi rain.
But beautiful rained ...
And will no longer be there, as it was.
Its flower braided.
Twisted so fast ...
Goodbye, Rose, to remain silent, I say,
I go further, roses farewell.
face the wind drives the bitter drop.
We lack one crane hook
every soul.
tērcīte flows
next to the shallow wells of happiness.
to fairly floated around the world
you back away you sow
life, you forget
remember the death
... he went to live in eternity
And some said - the afterworld.
But the sun was not
had an eternity. Had an eternity,
but we not aware of,
who every morning
Sun rises again.
needle shed,
I will come again. Talk softly.

And the black and white keys on the stairs
we carry in these heavy duty bearing
mūau soul closer to heaven.
detailed, young grass sprouts
Wakes up every spring;
My dear father, as you both fall asleep
Forever in this life you can?
Only silence, no one
What do I answer a word,
Back on the trail of life
Able to bring you again ...
earth mother, mother of linen,
Take it into their life at home
Travelers, who lives
Gurd tired legs.

For years, clean seed
Much he sowed in his life -
Only the death of the evil death
Win it and not been able to ...
mother earth, mother of the laundry,
Bring your own backyard when her
Covered with a kindly white-sand,
Paladziņu green needles.
detailed, young grass sprouts
Duse winter peace flips -
You also go the way of peace,
Tētīt my, dear, white.
As the sun and earth and sea
Heart song to feel the beauty;
A song we\'ve grown up,
A song we always strive.
IrDA shell smashed into the sand -
His soul remains alive,
Remain alive his song ...
We have come to you with candles.
Where do the laundry in the countryside precious souls blossom. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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