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Poems / Atvadvārdi

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Oh, pass, pass all the water go,
How to take night and take a day,
As ran in the spring and autumn leaves,
How strūd tree and smashed into a wall.
Oh, everything will move: there is hatred, love is hot,
It is loud joy is izsamisums,
And the hand drops, which stars tvarsta,
As the shadow Birch Grove will take you around the universe.
me flowers waves
Swing away!

Sea of ​​purple heather
Us may get my summer ...
Our life - fragile flower,
Soul of the fragrance,
Rising, falling, - to severe arm
Collect the same flower away.
Oh, roads, trails, running,
How much is your IETS!
Weep no number
And glory, and laugh.
two lily-white hands
Rigid and Salt either lying in the flowers gently.
Dumb luck, and the silent agony
Coincided been presented in a hot heart ...
two lily-white hands,
Why do you aizsviedāt life as a page?
Why so early in pain and agony
Had to seek the path that leads to the grave?
longer her not to be restless heart
As anxiety bird in my chest cast, -
They no longer have ...
Well we bowed my head my head
Not deep in despair, but a quiet thanksgiving
That our mid-long
So great, and clearly a man myths
For my full heart we are honored
And the light had gone to a life quietude.
What seems quite close,
I can go without end -
By not withdrawing her.
Without the soul the house, since you Navas
As a forest without birds and flowers without the ravine.

Had your light now my steps,
They had to call work and leisure.

Your beloved spirdzināja proximity to me,
Of white birch smell went over.

I am a quiet word within your swing
As the silver sea gull.

Well, I\'m as piestingusi ravine,
There is a whole without a soul, since you Nava ...
something expensive inside bear,
Each of which is a laugh and as\'ras case.
Along one path we came,
One goal all along to leave.
I give life passed away
And all in the space
Against briefly šaisaulē
The green earth breath.
not ask for laughs
Hot Drops eyelids piling up:
One beloved face
Output from the souls of the house.

Talk to me softly
Kinder than some of the other day:
Today, my heart remained
Severe pain with one.
sits quietly in the night silos,
The heart of the bird turns,
Long-haul routes, blue
Mild wings bare. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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