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Poems /

Page : 6
And only salīkst shoulders,
If a friend has to leave
And the one you need to stay,
And also a little smile.
[ ]
Tonight geese go again
So, for ever and ever and IETS.
Severe, moderate wings fly -
Neguliet, neguliet. . .
[ ]
Maybe not so hard to die,
If so proudly, if so beautifully
Have lived.
[ ]
loved me. Just could not feel sorry.
Spirits pity. Spirits Having returned.
[ ]
And so we go and ran, and in a hurry,
We search, find, lose a lot of
and nothing
somewhere in our home,
somewhere we beidzamies,
somewhere only the wind in our footsteps
dust floods lok.
[ ]
We solved a black nebūsmes field
and nothing can be taken.
[ ]
the end I will put everything you\'ve got, nothing,
Just my thoughts remain as autumn rust Ziba,
the firefly softly at the knee of the light,
Hurry to the life of a rapid and passionate about.
[ ]
But still need to set the apple tree,
some apples will enjoy for others
lived to be happy,
nebūsmes the hour struck.
[ ]
Oh, if it could be a song
We take you from the grief protect,
In order for you to sneak in as the sun flames
May you live ever, our Mother!
Sapota comes šaizemē everyone\'s life,
sapota it go away;
there remains a mighty storm freedom
Dardedze consolation in bloom.
[ ]
Since it happens,
it already is:
Life kept the tomb,
death separates us.

Negaist and lost
dzīvītes cart
is heavy, though small.
[ ]
I be able to do so much good,
For once allowed to be your light
I say thank you to my life?
[ ]
You\'re gone forever
from the garden and the house,
You\'re gone forever
of the world.
[ ]
measured by life?
What is the life span can be measured?
With seven feet. I do not know each other.
With what remains after death.
With humanity.
[ ]
his mind until the last minute
Listen more caring and joy.
The same did not understand the strenuousness of his own -
Left the world a smile and laughter.
[ ]
Autumn poignancy summer broke,
Winds lapkritī wants to bury this life,
but the sun kernel does not disappear - forever
light stays planted. . .
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 6

Poems /

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