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their own devices,
Only one life for each of us bears.

You, my good life, my life is evil,
Thank you for your history. . .
[ ]
Nepārnāks gone
on the white road
a white blizzard
dieniņa white,
carried away a handful of
my expectations.
[ ]
my summer. Rudentiņš come.
So the lonely flame cranberries hummocks.
And I want a sleek heart with them. . .
Go to my summer
Through mūžiņu reads.
[ ]
solitude, I\'m going to fog.
Salta legs, arms, heart.
Go invisible cranes.
High invisible sun.
[ ]
still something good to do. Some small animal.
Whether wild beast, bird or human
Still give pleasure, a small, white pleasure.
As white flakes. And then - go blizzard. . .
[ ]
Candle, candle,
nededz so fast
allows all the way
think of the idea
allows all the way
to survive in life,
debts, a candle,
what the color -
The color
blossoming love.
Candle, candle,
Nededz so quickly. . .
[ ]
However, there comes a time -
sky clouds stretch wings
no longer the land of gravity -
sky flying at you.
[ ]
Motherland to you is thank you!
Once on your land will become
We will take you further in
White of my child life spans.
[ ]
How small seed -
but how big is the tree!
How brief is life -
how much can it get,
if a small seed
put your heart up!
[ ]
will make a sudden, one requires:
to my ever-green planet
to man through the heart of a lively pulsating blood
and the laughter of children playing in the life!
[ ]
man is short
earthly path.
Where it ends, there begins
It\'s nothing. . .
Heavily on its shoulders
[ ]
Nenopūt night a candle, let it be lost,
Allow your window blind plunge into darkness.
Then finally on the way you will be lost.
Peace will come into the house tired.
[ ]
the stars quickly drops.
And coming just after the fall of night.
[ ]
blessing for the land that bears thy steps
Blessing of the sun, which is heating up on you.
Dry up the river. Leave the road pebbles.
Pine will break. Forest will live forever.
[ ]
Former star. Former light. No longer - than that. . .
To final darkness can go so
If we lose their stars
One by one, over ten. . . for a whole century.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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