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Poems /

Page : 4
Baltic flower path counting for
Conn. \'young son vadīdam\';
White flowers laced,
Vaira neaties son.
[ ]
I thought the sun
Mommy dear
I thought things easy
Bērnņi dear
[ ]
Apgūlāsi us\' mummy
Under zaļāsi velēniņ\'s;
Ghana was tired,
Dzīvodam long life \'.
[ ]
I, mother, died young,
Where will my wreath?
Hang lime leaves,
To take another vijējiņas.
[ ]
does not flow anymore ratenītis,
Netripo kamolītis;
Sees no māmuliņas
Corner rooms.
[ ]
Luzi, a new tree,
Do not lūzējiņu tree;
Who do you miri, a new daughter,
Do not people mirejiņu?
[ ]
Oh, Wind, who broke
The great columbine \';
Oh, Zemites who took
The great father\'s son!
[ ]
So I always missed days
Go to my father, an old and good.
Day had a lot, but just the one
It was not. I do not know who carry for.
[ ]
is life eternal. Themselves die.
Do not even know exactly what is happening to the hour,
After disappearing, zūdam and dust loosening,
When stājamies nebūsmes solemn retreat.

And become nothing, and surrender the land
And feeding off the root of something insignificant,
Leaving only know that Eternity Lemesos
Ars lost in another field.
[ ]
sun was already nenodzisa.
Will be with us throughout the world.
Only the man went,
Away went to the home land.
[ ]
Please come to accompany me
Can not ask for more, not to ask.
Cool hand-me hug morning.
Every life revolves around its axis.
[ ]
Cruz chopped jasmine beautiful,
Flowers and tears pouring and pouring.

Melted hail and winds will die,
But the path lying in the fledgling small
Seeing white clouds,
Before exchanging your song at all.
[ ]
. . . to our youth slit
long zviedz other foals,
and cranes are also other,
which carried the summer, screaming,
and others we have,
as dreams are still the same,
the time and bear in vain,
but throwing a pity.
[ ]
Wood naked branches stretching
As hand pain,
And the frost line to the
How surprised - why?

Island ax bites into the window.
Ax bites into the heart of the island.
Everything stops - no longer than Nava.
[ ]
Come and changing year after year, people to remain in what they create - remain in work. Remain in the sea, the land remains - does not disappear.
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Page : 4

Poems /

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