Oh, stern mother earth,
What I am thine offenses?
Already picked up māmuliņu,
Well wants to \'take my brother.
gaze, Veli gates,
Laundry vizināmi children.
Ligo my men do
God\'s son in the cradle.
Veli mother shakedown delivered
Lyme paladziņu board.
Atslēdziesi land gate,
You hear the earth padlock.
There\'s soul has gone,
Where swords nešķindēja.
Better coverage, Better coverage, we nurse,
What damage nedusēt thine;
Does thine morning dew,
Neither a north cold winds.
Far, far away the sun TEKA,
Māmuliņa even further.
Both saw the sun,
Māmuliņu did not see.
Live now, little children,
Take a smart padomiņu.
Well buried hill
Padomiņa devējiņu.
Jūdziet funeral, jūdziet roach,
Vedat me sands.
Joins Berry, joins crying,
I never nepārnākšu.
pity I can not
Zemītis to look.
Who Zemīte I took away
Devējiņu sweet words.
Well, by God, all the relatives,
Good evening, mother earth,
Good evening, mother earth,
Kept my augumiņu.
Solid sleep asleep.
Hear the wind sound of it,
Not the little children cry.
wax candles burned,
Gray horses moved over,
Well, it will leave the village,
Where ever nepārnākšu.
black earth, black night
Brother\'s barn Vidin:
Only the white Zemīte,
Where the mother lives sleeping.
Mamen munu, aizmygušu
Spruce cake chamber;
Ni dzērd wind gaudojūt,
Ni bērneņu runojūt.
Sings\' Gailītis, or sing,
Will not soon gaisumiņa;
Crying \', little children, or cry,
Hear your māmulīte.
Zelio, Zelio today call
Kapsētiņas hill:
Today there will take
Līgaviņu bet.
clearing trees,
Ozolins alone were not;
All the radio room,
In our brālīša just did.
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