Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Just a moment beneath the maples will be.
Zeltplaukstas fall.
How far will the wind spread the struggle!
How would all gather for yourself!
But nepagūšu.
[ ]
still a fresh new furrows heal. . .
Another apple tree you planted in the garden. . .
Nepagūšu anymore.
[ ]
Vissmeldzīgākais name on my life - nepagūšu.
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Here again the selfless heart
alkaina here and not live life
lying ceased, and as the fire glow,
by neapdzēsīs pērkonlietus Lieven.
[ ]
to remain a dream - a hidden chest heated,
to remain all over the deck with flowers,
if the clear alkums unfulfilled,
to remain in it, which is no longer talking.
[ ]
Decline. But the decline of pink
as suffering sakurts bonfire.
Izsāp have the last word,
if it is to say farewell.
[ ]
He relieved and go free,
where he will face a lifetime home.
Here, resting a moment - as a living
under the blanket of flowers, perfume Supa.
[ ]
and parting from life,
the sulfur-gold color and obscure bud. . .
[ ]
This is a departure,
maybe even bitterness -
no longer what to keep, no longer obtain.
[ ]
sunset scar disappears.
Blush at the edge of the horizon
or were little?
sore no nothing.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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