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Poems /

Page : 10
There went my Soul
have your hands warm,
to the first frost bee-sting
not hard to close your eyes tomorrow.
[ ]
from a groaning you create?
On a spring autumn?
And rainy,
and white years
runs away as the river water.
[ ]
you left,
But everything is still in your power;
And as the cornfield adversity
Weight of the dew,
It blessed my spirit adversity
From your spirit!
[ ]
is not easy to die! No, not easy -
When a life as a warm glow shines
And a thousand colors glow and grow, and branches,
And thousands of calls and call types.
[ ]
Everything that done remains
I am inseparable from you.
[ ]
This remains my concern,
My dream pet.
Path will be called and the following compartment.
I am inseparable from you.
[ ]
still tended my garden blossom
And white birch sad.
[ ]
Dusiet. . . Dusiet, unfinished roads and nenostaigātie life, love, beauty depositories of the hearts, dreams and devotion! Dusiet. . .
[ ]
and excitement feverishly once rushed through
is - remains unexecuted, unfinished,
[ ]
whole life has been
Loosening the flower.
[ ]
And yet there is nothing in all,
but vigilant call should feel
the heart still full to the brim dripping
with what could be a once.
[ ]
loss! A drain!
What shifts fickle face!
And let me miss the drain
this great resource - time.
[ ]
And it is good -
if life was singing
with full sun, hot summers,
this needs a beautiful autumn day blaze
without pity and tears of pain.
[ ]
And as far as finding my eyes see
over the infinitely distant wide,
they can only see a green tip,
covered by the silence.
[ ]
crystal-clear day,
sing steps,
when to leave.
Pure autumn maturity. Echo ring.
It is just a long, difficult withdrawal.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 10

Poems /

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