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Poems /

Page : 9
This is a farewell waltz, a man who
bumble orchestra is playing.
Sunset breaks their voices
and do not know what to vote in divorce.
[ ]
above with pinkish gailošo flame
not the memory lights are flying.
Dog days still live in the blood,
have only an inkling of the loss hurts.
Nothing here will not interfere with my white peace.
Silent seconds
the flakes are falling,
and the foot steps of your outgoing
will no longer be visible in the snow tomorrow.
[ ]
children to evening, it gets dark age
but the mother is burning bright as a candle in memory.
[ ]
Aizzvanīta the cone calls
spruce sky high vaults,
my summer to go to a meeting
to the northern crossings cold.
[ ]
Sun - huge copper bell
only rarely in the sky is no longer calling.
All around the vastness of
and emptiness, and the distant sounds
after you, after page, after the birds
leaving after summer.
[ ]
Sazaļos grass and stone will thrive
Wind you on behalf of māmulīt, will be called.
[ ]
šīspasaules joy and sorrow
Already equally pale shoulders pressed.
I am resigned to the ground. . .
I have the following -
have nowhere to retreat.
[ ]
chairs, chairs with no time
attecēji you with me?
Not gone to bed
All day the big winds.
[ ]
floors and wonder: never
you - leaving - not withdrawing. . .
You\'re always away.
[ ]
Holy is your peace of star izauklē
every evening darkling tale.
Even when I have not -
you ever
As the hall\'d be, Mother. . .
[ ]
Vismelnākajā destiny hour to be able to
whitest straighten oneself
and within a couple of
seen with the eyes closed in
self soul infinitely spring
the orphan song,
which ever
served light in your eternal life.
[ ]
Soon winter -
the garden
in life. . .
put me in the morning pārkrusta yet secretly,
before you run a terrible prison
where you Nava. . .
And never will.
[ ]
Then take me, butterfly,
what is left of me. . . And brings it
to their white wings propitious
and gentle quiver
I once darkness clamps gracious
where once again I have eternity to rest. . .
[ ]
already here and will come with hail
blue-gray clouds,
dark fields, are affected by forest. . .
Better coverage and a long sweet quietude.
[ ]
autumn. . .
Full atvadības light
Grieving clear, mild air.
Went to the birds - they are jāaizlaižas,
Tree leaves in the wind jāpagaist.
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Page : 9

Poems /

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