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Poems /

Page : 8
And now
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thine much. Everything that was once,
Everything will remain so - forever.
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This autumn, the first snow
the cold darkness of tear strips,
through my waking and sleep
lit a candle in the wind extinguished.
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you wished me to be happy. . .
OK, I take the seriousness of the shoulders, -
Now that, without you, nothing on earth,
else I never cease to be so tough.
[ ]
When everything once pārsāpēs and heal
still remember going to rise up time -
thorns and thistle bud digested
and trusting and gentle flowers.
[ ]
When everything once pārsāpēs and heal
will be the only pink rays alone,
and the sun will know izgruzdušo
Seeking glow, which runs through the coal.
[ ]
pārsāpēs and heal
yet the root will be able to remember,
meadow flowers and burdock heal
oh, stingrays tops.
[ ]
All are headed to retirement.
Cranes with sharp hooks
Heaven is peeled open.
Stabbed in the heart cry
Echo louder and louder.
[ ]
How easy star fly down!
So life is free,
the victim to fall.
You also will go completely free.
Total free -
longer life not associated
to what did not manage to make.
[ ]
You are now in the land where the sun
No longer in the evenings not set.
Here remains of your light
Silvered sirmojums,
And the annual apple blossom
Your mīļumu am saying to us.
[ ]
the late time
winds and speaks quietly,
is no way netaujājot,
Rehn fog roam,
and woods go a long winter in the shower
the wife of the moon more than three months
go to heaven.
[ ]
oak remains, and will remain the years
the heavy impedimenta that you are happy to freight.
The same migratory route either free woman you posies,
when you last autumn\'s field meadow.
[ ]
But even after the frost, after dark, after the death of
heart remains in memory, where lived,
the snow brightness uzzaigos quietly,
it will bloom the rye cornfield.
[ ]
very short of your name,
Miss you - hand to give.
It never no longer a
You will not be repeated.
[ ]
fell down again, one apple
of the branch -
or a blow of fate?
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 8

Poems /

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