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Poems /

Page : 7
doubly expensive running every moment
You still think: so much addressed
. . . Evening brutally takes shears -
All elections were breaking down.
[ ]
silence all around.
And silence you.
Do all picked up?
Or all nine?
Or were the mower?
Or were grābējs?
Or to Emergency zudināt?
Or were the savior?
Silence all around.
Over the mountain coming days.
Since you are doomed.
Since you have one.
[ ]
Baltic dziesmīti
Tear articles
Stitches of laughter
Uzsedzu his
Bitters day
Cover dream.
[ ]
Spirit, the spirit of the day
Long and colorful life is.
Dream the dark walls of spruce
Bitter winds are blowing.
[ ]
Everything becomes so peacefully. You saltumā Brien inside
For autumn becomes rudenīgāks mind.
Even hold a candle sažņaugtajā riekšā,
As it burns, who had built up over years.
[ ]
You\'ll always be beside us stand,
And we do not exceed your brightness,

Where every word on our hearts grow
How warm the sun passes through our hands,
Oh, not to believe that the lesson comes in black
And so lost an invaluable friend.
[ ]
I bysu myužu porõdā sharp
You Latgola - ground bolt. . .

Tys myužs, DHW Dīveņš the sun has given,
With you, Latgola, piļdeits.
[ ]
Clouds hid cranes, Neatvadījos. When neatvadās, Visskumīgāk hurt. . .
[ ]
Raud white birch black winds.
Cries our hearts to the winds.
Longer with us you could not. . .
Harsh burn marks furrow morning.
[ ]
your sight so much light
Friends that will last them a long time.
In order aside bitter mounting terror,
You uzziedēsi memories.
[ ]
thy word caressing warmth,
Who knew how many warm.
Take Fate - breaking open a living bridge
We live in the path of pain remains.
[ ]
bare soul.
Like a butterfly, and fog.
As the bird - partridge -
White and quickly.
[ ]
\"To your health, land!\"
Today we bring hard words.
It is a stone falling on his chest,
Through all his life nenovelt.
[ ]
Heart cemetery is the tomb of one more
When a bright star dries away.
The amber autumn road
As the storm breaks magnificent lime.
[ ]
smagmes full.
Full of life. . .
You, nestunda, oh, why come
So useless at the moment
When a man collect the fruits?
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 7

Poems /

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