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Poems /

Page : 5
Our heaven is a thousand stars,
Each star in our window shine,
But this one - if the time away will bring,
Then veļiem to leave the heart.
[ ]
How long we live, so we burn.
Falling stars.
But do not leave the sky.
[ ]
lips become du
[ ]
my day -
Ingrown rye flower.
Sprēgājušas sun,
Mērcējšās rain.
Is it easy to
My days zibējušas?
But. . .
Good people they wanted to benefit.
[ ]
Star - your mother,
Star - your sister.
You through life to Emergency
Find the star colors.
[ ]
himself as a star in Veria,
Same as the star of TAPI.
Such people tend not to
Mantle silent graves.
[ ]
Stīdz sniegpulkstenes ravines,
Fermentation when the earth itself.
At the white birch table
We have a third friend is missing.
[ ]
Oh, Gauja heavy winds,
Well blow away!
To a good friend\'s grave
We tied the boat.
[ ]
It is the last -
Fell a star
Shed their leaves,
And fell to bloom.
[ ]
Engine soar -
Engine Crane
After you screaming.
[ ]
Called sunny song ashes,
Aug. pain when ļimst birches,
On your road had assured
For there is born young birches,
Short gray coat maple,
So people a day - long.
There is finally a daily span,
Sounding eternity ring copper.
[ ]
falling down, Mother, all flowers,
Trees left us.
Remain at sunrise, left Rieti,
Remain in heaven for you.
[ ]
Mom, I return their doors
Now they quietly Vera.
Mother, I return on your source.
All his life of drinking.
[ ]
Mother, gave me his farm. . .
The seed will stay in the place
Where the best sprouts are rising
Sunrise and sunset.
[ ]
Life has not leave
We go out of her.
Young or quite old,
But still a message of life in r.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 5

Poems /

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