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Poems /

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you, autumn day
Birch circles - and worth up to
Again departure of page one -
Thick fog and dark top wall
Rain Tears eyelids trembling.
[ ]
Is human life as a dying star,
When the heavenly beams to keep it hard
After midnight it suddenly and unexpectedly carried away,
When the emptiness and pain in the chest drilled in the bottom?
[ ]
Is human life as dandelion fluff,
When the winds hit, it easily gets up?
Is human life as izdzerta pitcher?
But the legs are no longer obey not the destination.
[ ]
Is human life is pale blink,
When the sun throws out the track free?
And for those who remain, only distant memory
The time and sits in the heart and life?
[ ]
hour time clock punch,
Time clock hours.
Time on the river tomorrow.
Eternity opposite end of a person\'s gait.
[ ]
And all my trees are crying,
And my long years of quiet.
Below the turf this was not.
My heart dun only grave side.
[ ]
Mamula children say no?
Only able to give away
three handfuls of sand.
[ ]
Who can undo what you want?
Earth handful sagruzd chest
Even before dawn were originated,
Before the road were still felt.
[ ]
handful of earth sagruzd chest?
Iesāp deep iesāp heart.
You willing to send these graves,
Us with the pain of hearing days.
[ ]
earth - bread, salt and butter,
Earth - the cradle and an end.
You - the day madness to suffer,
You - and gone without haste.
[ ]
Lifetime Plok as a river, and palo,
Live shores stand and walk.
In one bent the white shore,
Second - proud linden blossoms.
[ ]
Life had a beautiful, because you told me you were
To the white world.
[ ]
mother were sister
Today is entered into your eyes.
The sky is black in color,
There are no good words to say.
[ ]
Where you go, māmuliņa,
Where you\'d be where you lost?
Came to resent the message
Priedīte with you blowing sad?

Native does not expect a party
It never ceases to take you home.
Good eyes neatsmaidīs,
Land, land over the deck.
[ ]
ready press hot wrist:
- How heroic, how cruel and life.
Former white years.
Hour comes in black,
Over the people, the death of trees blowing,

Between the two forces leaching life -
Between heaven and earth green.
RIETENIS blowing, blowing from the north,
And again, palo.
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Page : 4

Poems /

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